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It was hilarious.

The look on Lisa's face when I told her about my entire date night with the charming man that she was nuts over, was actually so funny that I was having a hard time keeping my lips from spreading out into a grin and splutter into giggles.

" you are telling me," she slowly stated as she blinked blankly at me, "You spent the entire evening with Kim Taehyung. You invited him to your home...but you two didn't have sex?"

I swear her eyes couldn't have squinted harder.

"...yeah," I nodded.

"Bullshit. You guys fucked. You just don't want to tell me." She deadpanned.

"What!? No!" I exclaimed as my cheeks started to get hot with all the blood that rushed up.

"I...I won't allow that till we actually get married." I said, whispering out this odd but old mind-set of me. I was embarrassed by the fact that I was a Virgin, let alone let a man who was trying to woo me to have any kind of intimate physical relationship with me. Blame past experiences, I couldn't just let anyone touch me with intimacy in mind.

That just wasn't me. I was everything traditional and by the book. I wouldn't allow him to kiss me as well. Well, cheek kisses was fine but kiss on the lip would be too intimate and I know I would grow attached to the feeling and would want it-

God. I am so dumb. I should stop.

"Fine. I believe you." Lisa smiled. Her smiling almost had me wanting of Taehyung to pop up here somewhere and kiss me, telling me how my rules where the most absurd set of things he had heard.

"But 'till we get married? Did I hear that right?" She asked this time eyebrows wiggling at me with that subtle smile now quirking more. Naughtiness all over what I could fathom.

"Yes...," I confessed, my face beetroot in shame of actually saying it out aloud.

"Aww," she held a hand to her heart, falling back on the couch with her eyes closed, " finally."

"Does he know?" She asked opening her eyes and looking at me for validation.

Slowly shaking my head, I denied and watched how the smile vanished off of her face.

"What are you waiting for?"

"The sign," I smiled sipping at my coffee, "my sign to know that he is the one."


"Hey." Mihi smiled as she peeped from his side making Taehyung's eyes snap to her as he breathed out in a slow sigh before his lips had quirked up in a charming smile while his hand had left the pen down.

"You are here." He stood up, holding her elbow as he maneuvered her effortlessly to come to his embrace as his lips pressed on the side of her head, the wisps of Jasmine and Carmellia making him hum.

"I am here."

He let her go, facing the subtle pink to her cheeks as she shyly kept her head down probably a bit taken aback with the gesture.

"I hope you are hungry." He grinned clapping his hands as he rubbed them like a five year old mischief maker making her chuckle softly as she kept her bag aside and took her time to admire the sight of Kim Taehyung.

Pale blue shirt, sleeves rolled up to let her see the firm, musculature of what was his forearm, hair not the neat gelled style but ruffled soft looking tufts of brown mane fell across his forehead making him look years younger. And also the glasses which sat on his nose and lifted a tiny bit when he would smile.

"Are you done checking me out?"
His cocky enquiry did make her blush a bit brighter but Mihi wouldn't dare admit it. Not to him.

"Stop looking so good then..." she muttered and mentally thanked the table beside them for being noisy as she assured herself that the small impromptu comment wasn't heard by him.

"What did you order?" She asked instead making him smirk a bit larger as he shook his head in defeat of not getting an answer from her as he cleared his throat before singing out the menu that he had already sent out for preparation.

"...lovely." She sighed as he ended the list but she wasn't listening to half of what he was saying as she was happy to watch him speak so lightly, the intimidating aura brushing off as he became comfortable.

"And you are staring again." He said making Mihi laugh as she held the glass of water and drank from it in an attempt to hide her face.

She didn't know what this feeling was. This giddy feeling where she couldn't stand how adorable the man in her presence looked and how safe her heart felt to flutter like a forsaken butterfly against her chest.

She had attracted males before, had male friends who had confessed their liking to her but she had never felt something so strong yet gentle like she felt for Taehyung.

The main motive today was to give him his answer. The god damn answer that the poor man had been seeking for a week- more than a week actually, but here he was entertaining her for lunch, making sure both of their work schedules were in order so that they could eat their meal together.

"...yes." She whispered.

An answer that Taehyung's ears perked at as he stopped forking through his arrabiata pasta and looked ahead of him as he watched Mihi staring back.

"Hmm?" He called out frowning subtly, breath stuck in his throat as he tried deciphering what she meant.

"Yes...I would marry you."

There she said it.

And imagine the way her heart felt lighter and elated at the sight of the surprise of the man who blinked at her once before his hands had left the cutlery to reach for her hand but he stopped and drew them back.

"You would," she watched how he anxiously licked his lip before chewing on the lower one as he looked up at her, "you would marry me?"

"Yes..." she nodded.

And all that she got back was a charmed face closing it's eyes and holding a hand to his chest as he released a breath as if he had been stopping his breath for a long time.


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