Chapter 13. Fight

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3rd pov. 

Kyo .VS. Nabe. 

Nabe a Ninja from the sound Villiage. stood in front of Kyo. Nabe is much larger than Kyo who stands at Rock Lee's height whole Nabe is very tall even a giant next to kyo. Nabe had blue skin. 

Kyo felt slightly intimidated by Nabe. Kyo stood about 6 feet from him but still felt like she was being towered over and suffocated by the blood lust coming from him.  Kyo remained calm not letting her intimidation show. 

"WOOHOO KYO" Lee shouted making Kyo jump slightly looking over at him. Rock Lee and Might Guy gave her a thumbs up. 

"GIVE IT YOUR BEST"Tenten shouted. Kyo looked back at her opponent. ready for the fight to begin.  

Hayate Gekkō shouted "Begin" 

Kyo jumped back slightly waiting for Nabe to make the first move.  

"Why is Kyo just standing their" Sakura asked looking down at Kyo who was in a fighting stance similar to Rock Lee. 

"She's staking out the competition in a way" Might Guy said watching Kyo who had her eyes ahead at Nabe. "She calculates her opponent every move right down to the slightest hair movement to draw out her opponent's weakness or lack thereof" 

"So she's waiting for them to attack she's not gonna go after him," Naruto said looking at Kyo who swiftly moved as  Nabe threw a Kuni at her. "Isn't that kind of the opposite of you and Lee" 

"Kind of Kyo likes to take her time with fights depending on 2 factors," Rock Lee said "one the environment whos in danger and what the opponents have and to time how much time does she have and what the pace of the match is she is patient when it comes to fights. She is also very fast and could easily change the pace at any minute" Rock Lee said observing Kyo move slightly to the left. 

"Seems kind of slow and boring," Naruto said 

"TAKE A LESSON FROM HER" Sakura yelled punching him over the head like normal. 

Kyo dodged as Nabe threw a left hook at her head. 

"Leaf whirlwind" Kyo shouted using Leaf Whirlwind sending Nabe flying into the wall behind her. 

Sensing something was wrong Kyo jumped back a few feet staring at Nabe starting to stand up. Kyo felt a sharp pain in her leg where she used Leaf Whirlwind. Looking down Kyo saw her leg bleeding slightly. The shorts she wore hid nothing. While Kyo wore bandages they only encased her Knees and ankles hiding the Weights she wore. 

"What happened she hit him," Naruto said in shock looking at Kyo's now sliced open leg.

Kyo sweated slightly.  Nabe darted at Kyo leaving her little time to react. Kyo was dealt a blow to the stomach making her fly back from the impact onto the ground 7 feet in front of Nabe.  Kyo grunted holding her stomach as she stood up. Kyo looked down at her stomach seeing a large gash on her stomach. The gash luckily was not bleeding heavily.

I need to finish this quickly before I lose too much blood  Kyo thought to herself.  Nabe rushed  Kyo once again but Kyo used her shadow clones to surround and keep him busy.  

Kyo was having slight trouble walking but she straightened up quickly back to her fighting stance. 

Kyo threw a Kuni quickly at Nabe. Nabe barely dodged his cheek getting cut in the process. As he looked at the Kuni Kyo appeared in front of him sending a barrage of punches and kicks to him causing him to be launched into the air getting pummeled by punches and kicks. 

Kyo launched herself to the ground watching him land on the ground. Kyo shocked everyone when blood dripped off her arms and hands onto the ground. Kyo's legs were covered in small cuts. 

"I see so you're using some kind of wind scythe to cut me when I hit you," Kyo said looking at Nabe smirk as he stood up spitting blood out then standing up straight. 

"Correct hit me and the more you get cut," Nabe said smirking in superiority. Kyo was about to speak when She was caught up with a twister of wind that cut every inch of her body. Kyo screamed but the sound didn't echo as she was cut. 

after a few seconds, Nabe used it to slam her into the wall. making a hole. Kyo coughed slightly. Kyo felt warmth run down her face. realizing that it was blood. 

"KYO" Rock Lee, Tenten, and Naruto yelled. Watching as Nabe walked over to Kyo. 

Nabe held Kyo by her neck. 

Sorry Guy Sensei but I'm using that  Kyo thought before deciding to use something that even she didn't think would work. 

"Boom" Kyo said as she used her lightning to make a bomb almost. Lighting shot out making Nabe drop Kyo instantly flying back into the wall being knocked out instantly.

 Kyo dropped to her knees watching as Hayate Gekkō decided who won the match. 

Clearing his throat  Hayate Gekkō announced "Due to Nabe being knocked out Kyo is the winner of this match" 

Kyo's eyes widened as Hayate Gekkō said she won the match. Naruto and the others celebrated. 

Kyo however did not celebrate watching as Nabe stood up furious by her winning. Growling Nabe looked over a Kyo.  Nabe couldn't fathom how Kyo won.  Hayate Gekkō also looked over at the angry male. 

"Hey now the match is over," Hayate Gekkō said carefully trying to calm the rage forming in the room as "Nabe glared at Kyo who watched him carefully. 

Kyo had no time to react before Nabe shouted "WIND SYTHE" using his wind system to attack Kyo savagely blowing a hole through her side launching her back. 

"KYO" Rock Lee yelled before jumping down to catch Kyo who was knocked out.  The Nabe was knocked out by the Joinin to protect Kyo who he had no intention of stopping till she was dead. 

Kyo was bleeding from almost every cut including the ones on her face and head. Making her seem like she was more blood than human. 

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