Chapter 15. Guilt

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Kyo pov. 

I looked up at the bright white ceiling. The room around me smelt like bleach. The room was in the ICU patently getting a hole blown into your side is considered an emergency. Not knowing the outcomes of Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lees matches makes me nervous. I hope they win. I slowly sat up. 

"AH," I said in pain clutching my side looking around at the room. My emotions are instantly heightened when Guy Sensei walks into the room. 

"Sensei," I said looking over at him. Instantly I could tell something was wrong. Guy Sensei didn't even have to speak Slight fear filled me. I just knew, by the way, he slowly closed the door and slowly turned to look over some things wrong. 

"Good job on your match Kyo," He said smiling walking over. 

"What's wrong," I said instantly after he spoke.  He sighed scratching the back of his head. 

"Well.." He trailed off. I assume to come up with a way to break some kind of news. "I'll get straight to the point you see You and Neji are the only ones who one your matches," Guy Sensei said. 

"WHAT?!" I said loudly in confusion "What about Lee and Tenten?"  I asked him. 

"Well...Brace yourself" He said making his way over sitting down at the end of my bed. "Listen" 


10 minutes later. 

Guy sensei left the room. I fell back onto the bed. Looking up. 

I laid in my bed looking at the Ceiling with furrowed brows.  I felt a sudden pang of guilt and sadness. I won my match but Tenten and Lee lost theirs. How is this right? They should have won Maybe I could have done something if I didn't get all banged up.  How could I win my match but they not win theirs? How is that right how come I got so lucky?  

Maybe they could have won....

They said Lee won't fight again. They don't know what they're talking about. Lee will recover and fight again. What do they know?

I can't imagine how Tenten is feeling. I need to check on her. I began to try and get up and fell back onto the bed. In pain, I decided that moving is not a good idea. 

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