Chapter 22 Hospital Visits and confusion

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Kyo pov. 

"I would like to enroll in the medical ninjutsu training course," I said staring intently at a medical ninja. Who stared at me. 

"ok, um sure," He said before handing me a paper. It gave me all the details about the location and times the course is available.  

I stuffed the paper inside my pocket hiding it. If Lee saw it he would definitely inquire. 

I made today's visit short. I need to help make repairs. 

I jumped around helping people do some heavy lifting. I can handle it due to my training. I looked over noticing tenten helping someone. I jumped down landing in front of her after she was done. 

"Tenten" I said excitedly to a surprised tenten. Who perked up seeing it was just me. 

"Kyo!" Tenten grabbed my arm "I haven't seen you in a while since everyone is helping clean up you seem to have disappeared. and besides that wound is hardly healed" She lectured me. 

"Oh" I looked at my side. Pulling my shirt up so she could see "Its closed it hopefully wont reopen anytime soon"

"Put that down" Tenten scowled smacking me on the back of the head. 

I giggled letting my shirt down. 

"Just because its closed doesn't mean you are fully ready to do heavy lifting or training" Tenten consoled me. "you push too hard" I could tell she was worried. Somone called her causing her to whip her head around. 

I took the chance to disappear. 


I struggled to heal the fish in front of me. I gave a sigh of relief and the fish started jumping. My instructor quickly tossed it back into the water. 

"Too long we need to work on concentration and chakra," The instructor told me rather bluntly. 

I walked out of the room deciding to visit lee. 

"LEE" I sang loudly walking into his room. Lee laughed looking over at me. 

"Kyo! What have you been up to" Lee asked causing me to snicker manically before holding up some cake  

"Nothing just helping clean up and baking" I answered smiling. Sitting at the end of his bed. 


"What's up?" I asked staring at Neji and Tenten. We finally trained together after a long time. 

"What's wrong with you?" Neji asked me who stared at him. I rose a brow. Completely confused. 


"You're lacking in training," Negi said hand on his hip. 

"Um," I stared at him. "I guess I need to train more then" I shrugged. Tenten looked between us too. 


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