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Years and years have passed since the death of Queen Elodiel people from all over middle earth mourned for her death, Thranduil made a statue made out of stone of her. To always remind people that there was once hope in the kingdom, there was once joy and laughter. 

but years go on and the city of Dale was destroyed by Smaug, Linesse, who was the elleth who watched her city burned to the ground, she remembered the heat of the flames, the smell of smoke and she could still hear their screams. Linesse was an elf who lives among men. She was from the city of Bree and was found by Lord Girion's wife. She couldn't remember her past before Bree but that didn't bother her what bother her was the betrayal of her own kin.

Linesse was holding a dying person in her hands, a person so dear to her. Lord Girion's wife. But when she thought all hope was lost she saw them, the elves of Mirkwood right above the hill. Linesse put her hands in the air waving them with urgent "HELP!" she shouted, she watched as the Prince of Erebor also tried getting his help. Just as the last thread of hope in her grew it instantly faded as the King of Mirkwood tilted his head and turned his back to retreat. Tears filled her eyes but rage filled her heart. 

Linesse angrily gripped the railings of her lake town home, she was still filled with rage and anger. It's been years since that day happened but to Linesse it felt like it just happened yesterday. Every year she watched as the ones around her die slowly from sickness and as each time she lost someone she only blamed one person, the King of Mirkwood. 

She just watched as her best friend, Bard's wife passed away from sickness and she was beyond the point of anger. She craved and yearned for revenge but she knew that she had people to take care of, Bain, Sigrid, and Tilda. She loved them as her own children but still her mind would wander to the thought of killing the King of Mirkwood. In the middle of Linesse's thoughts she then felt two hands rest on her shoulder. "Linesse, what is troubling your mind?" his soft voice rang through the air. "I'm fine Bard, just tired." she replied pushing her shoulder length blonde hair to the back.

"I know when something is wrong Linesse, does her death still bother you?" he asked talking about his wife. "Of course it does, it is because of that stupid elven King she is gone." Linesse hissed with pure hatred. Bard sighed and said "There's nothing we can do, You know the wrath of King Thranduil is dangerous." "I would like to see his wrath with my dagger against his throat." Linesse mumbled as she folded her arms. Suddenly Bard rolled his eyes and picked Linesse up and threw her over his shoulder making her squeal and punch his back. "Bard!!" she squealed

He then walked in their house with a laughing Bain, Sigrid and Tilda watching them. "Bain! Do something!" Linesse shouted in a playful tone. But Bain only came over to tickled her making the house echo with laughter. Bard then threw her on the bed and said "Now get those thoughts out of your head, killing is never the answer." as he kissed Linesse's head He then walked over to Sigrid and Tilda to help cook. "Linesse let's go to the market." Bain said, Linesse nodded and fixed her tunic and walked with Bain to the market.

As they searched the market for certain ingredients that Sigrid and Tilda needed Linesse couldn't help but listen to the people gossiping with her keen hearing, "I have seen the Prince of Mirkwood, he was patrolling the boarders," one young woman said "Yeah! I have heard his beauty could not be compared to any mortal." another one said "Aye! He is so handsome just like his father, Thranduil." just by the mention of his name Linesse's blood boiled, she could remember everyone's death after the time of Smaug. She remembered their last words and their last breaths. 

"Linesse?" Bain asked waving his hand in front of her face for some time, he has been trying to get her attention but Linesse just spaced out. "Are you okay?" he asked, "Yes, I am just tired." she replied "Da always says you're tired, are you pregnant?" he asked making a smile break out on Linesse's face "Bain! What makes you think that!?" she said as she messed with his hair "You and da seem close," he replied both of them laughed and Linesse said "No, me and your da aren't together besides he only sees me as a friend of your mama." "Maybe before but now I am not so sure," Bain said with a smirk on his face as he teased Linesse

Linesse and Bain made their way towards home but as they reached the door a boy around Bain's age was talking to Sigrid but as they saw Linesse and Bain the boy ran off. "Who was that young boy Sigrid?" Linesse asked with plastic bags in her hands "No one." she quickly replied with a blush on her face, Linesse smiled knowing what that boy meant to Sigrid. "Ooohh.. Sigrid has a crush!!" Bain teased, Sigrid hit Bain on the head as Linesse laughed and entered their home. 

Sigrid and Tilda started singing while they cooked Bain then started hitting pots and tables with wooden spoons. Linesse laughed as Bard started singing a bit. Linesse just laughed at them as she started cutting the fish into small pieces when suddenly Bard put the knife down and started dancing with Linesse, his left hand on her waist as his right was holding her hand. Bain laughed as Linesse laughed and said "Bard! I am cutting!" "Come on Linesse! Have a bit of fun!" Bard teased as they started gliding across the kitchen. Almost everyday was like this and even though Linesse loved everyday of it she still had revenge on her mind. 

Everyone was asleep, but Linesse laid awake that night with only one person on her mind, Thranduil. Her blood boiled she felt as if steam was coming out her ears. She wanted him dead, she wanted her sweet revenge to avenge the ones she loved very much. Years she has raised the ones she loved only to see them die in the end. She would go mad if she would let herself watch either Bard, Bain, Sigrid or Tilda die in her arms she has watched Bard grew up to be a brave and noble man. He deserved better than to live under the stupid rules of their so called Master of Lake Town she hated him just as much as he hated Bard. but she hated her kin even more, she had a hate passion for her own kin. 

She just imagined Bard dying in her own arms, she couldn't bare it. Bard was different from all of her friends she has lived with,. Bard's wife told Linesse to love him and take her place. Linesse didn't want to replace her but she has stayed and grew feelings for Bard but her hate for Thranduil grew even more as each day passed knowing he is just sitting on his comfortable throne eating the most expensive food. She hated the thought of him being alive.

She had to fix that.

Linesse pushed herself away from the railing and ran downstairs towards the small boat that they had. She reached underneath and grabbed the second wrap of weapons she quickly looked around just in case anyone was watching. She unwrapped the weapons and grabbed her bow and quiver of arrows, then she grabbed her daggers and stuck it into her brown boots. She then grabbed black cloak and made sure her face couldn't be seen. She covered her face especially her pointed ears. She quickly write a note telling Bard she would be back but she wouldn't tell where she was going. 

She then got into the small boat and paddled away.

Hoping her plan will go the way she has planned it. 

THE KING'S ASSASSIN [THRANDUIL]  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن