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The journey to the city of Dale was silent except for the groaning of people. Bard was holding Linesse's hand but Linesse didn't mind for her mind was with someone else. She kept thinking of Thranduil and his words. Were they true? She did not know.

Finally they arrived and Linesse walked through the city once more, she looked around remembering different memories, different people whom she gained and lost. She clutched her chest remembering everything she has been through. Bard grabbed her hand and gave it a small squeeze. "We're home," he whispered and both of them shared a small smile. Suddenly when Alfred shouted "Sire!" Linesse had enough of that git. "Sire!" He yelled once more. "Up here!" Linesse and Bard made their way up to where Alfred was, they then saw fire in the mountain of Erebor. The dwarves were alive.

"Look sire! They're lit!" Alfred said as he pointed to the entrance of Erebor. "So... The company of Thorin Oakenshield has survived." Bard said as he smirked amusingly. "Survived? You mean there is a bunch of dwarves in there with all that gold?" Alfred asked but Linesse just glared at him. "You shouldn't worry Alfred, there's gold in that mountain for all." Bard assured him then he turned towards the people below as he announced "We camp here tonight! Find what shelter you can! Get some fires going!" he then turned to Alfred, "Alfred, take the night watch." as Alfred left Linesse told Bard "I can take the night watch," "No, you need some rest. We have been through so much. Besides Sigrid and Tilda might need a story to sleep to, they have seen such image a child should never see in their life." Bard replied and Linesse understood.


        The next day Linesse was helping by making sure everyone had food and some blankets to keep them warm. That's until Bard passed by. "We need more food Bard," Linesse said worried for the people, she has seen too much death to let it happen again. "We have to endure until we can ask help from others. They are too far away to leave now." Bard answered. "Let's go check up on our night watch."

"Morning Alfred," Bard greeted him "What news from the night watch?" "All quiet Sire and m'lady. Nothing gets passed me." Alfred said sleepily. Bard walked out with Linesse only to be shocked to see a full armoured army of elves. "Except an army of elves, it would seem." Bard whispered. Linesse knew that deep down inside the army of elves were from the Woodland realm but she didn't want to admit it that there was still some good in Thranduil's heart. "They must be from Lothlorien," Linesse told Bard hoping that Bard would agree with her but unfortunately "No, these are from the Woodland realm." Linesse frown.

Bard and Linesse walked down and the army made way for them to walk through. All of them moved in unison not one had a different move and that awed her. They walked through the army right as Thranduil came in looking fancy with his elk. Thranduil's eyes set on Linesse, "My Lord Thranduil." Bard acknowledged. "We did not think we would see you here." "I heard you needed aid." Thranduil said as his eyes flicked to Linesse then he glanced behind him to reveal carriage after carriage of food and supplies. Tears filled Linesse's eyes. Linesse smiled brightly at the King, and Thranduil's heart was filled with warmth and love as he stared at his wife's smile. A smile he has never seen in so long.

"You have saved us, I do not know how to thank you." Bard said but then Thranduil said something that made Linesse's smile disappear. "Your gratitude is misplaced, I did not come on your behalf. I came to reclaim something of mine." Linesse then knew that Thranduil came for the gems, not her.

If only she knew that she once wore the necklace, gems of Lasgalen.

The armies of elves started to march toward the mountain and Linesse grabbed Bard's arm, "They cannot go to war. Too much blood has already been spilled." She told him but all she was thinking of was Thranduil laying dead on the ground. It frightened her. She did not know what made her think she could kill him in the first place. "Wait! You'll go to war over a handfull of gems?" Bard asked "The heirlooms of my people are not likely forsaken." Thranduil replied, "We are all allies in this, my people also have a claim upon the riches in that mountain. Let me speak with Thorin." Bard suggested. "You would try to reason with a dwarf?" Thranduil asked and Bard replied "Yes if it means we can avoid war, yes."

THE KING'S ASSASSIN [THRANDUIL]  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ