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I had no idea Elo-- I mean Linesse." Thranduil said softly as he and Linesse were wrapped up in blankets and both of them sat on Thranduil's balcony just staring at the beautiful stars and they talked about anything and everything. Linesse told Thranduil about why she was about to kill him just a few weeks ago. "It's fine... I guess," Linesse said as she wrapped her arms around herself. Thranduil sighed and said "No it is not, If I only knew you were there I would have helped." "But see that's the problem!! You are only doing it for me and not for other people!" Linesse's voice raised she did want to say something but she decided not to since she doesn't want to be in an argument with him.

Thranduil then laughed as if what Linesse said was very funny "What are you laughing at?" Linesse asked as she eyed the ellon sitting next to her. "I expected that answer from you, it's one of the things we always argued about before." he said as his eyes sparkled "I cherish every moment with you even the ones where we would argue and fight." "You must love me that much," Linesse said trying to hide her blush but what Thranduil said next made her blush noticeable. "No, I love you much more than that."

Suddenly they both went silent staring at the stars "What would I do normally before?" Linesse asked curious. Thranduil put both his hands behind him holding up his body and he said "Morning you would help me get ready for my duty and even though we have servants you would always be the one cooking, in the afternoon you would help anyone in need and you would even help the guards at the borders but by night time the halls would be filled with your beautiful voice and before we go to bed we... uhhh... spend time together." (wink wink)

"Oh, Is it like that everyday?" Linesse asked trying to push the thought of sharing the same bed with him, "Sometimes you would visit Rivendell or even Lothlorien just to see if everyone was okay and when we had Legolas you spent every second with him, you never wanted to be parted from him." he said "What about my parents? Or any siblings?" Linesse asked wondering about her family before her and Thranduil's family. The spark in Thranduil's eyes faded and he said "Your father died along with my father and our mothers couldn't take the pain so they sailed west and you were the only child and so was I," 

"Oh..." was all that Linesse could say but she noticed Thranduil's sad eyes and she put a hand on his shoulder and said "Don't dull the sparkle in your eyes." Thranduil chuckled and smiled widely at the words and Linesse raised an eyebrow and asked "What's funny this time?" "Nothing, it's just that... I used to say that to you all the time." he said which made both of their gazes intense with passion. 

but their moment was ruined by a knock in Thranduil's room. Thranduil quickly stood up and put up an emotionless face as his voiced boomed the room "Enter." A guard then entered the room "My King," he said as he bowed, Linesse was thankful that Thranduil told them not to call her Queen or bow to her yet so she wouldn't feel awkward. "I have word from Elrond, he is in need of a council from all the Lords of elven kingdoms. He wishes to meet in two days."  Thranduil's gaze went to Linesse who stood behind him and went back to the guard "Inform my son, we leave this instance," Thranduil said as he quickly went inside his bathing room and came out wearing armour almost the same he wore when fighting in Erebor.

When he came out he went over to Linesse and said "I apologize my dear but I must make haste because Elrond only holds councils like this during in times of great needs, Me and Legolas might be gone for a while but I'll make sure you are safe. Your mortal friends can come and visit. Be safe dear! Please don't leave the kingdom." he then kissed her forehead and he also saw Linesse was depressed by his sudden departure and he put his hand under her chin to lift up her head as they both stared into each others eyes and he said "Remember don't dull the sparkle in your eyes,"

THE KING'S ASSASSIN [THRANDUIL]  Where stories live. Discover now