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Linesse's feet carried her as lightly as they could, she already passed the back gate with at least six guards guarding, she passed them unseen. It's been hours and she has been trying to find a way in to the palace but a few hours later she saw barrels rolling from a waterfall. She thought it must've come from the inside so as quiet as a fox and sneaky as a cat she climbed the sides of the waterfall carefully not to fall into the water. 

After a few minutes of trying to find the secret door she then found it but it was right above her she drove her dagger to the door and opened it by pulling the dagger. she quickly and swiftly jumped up and got it she was thankful that the two elven guards were drunk. but as she was about to head for the stairs she then heard light footsteps coming her way she quickly hid behind the stairs hoping she wouldn't get caught.

The guards then just grabbed a bottle of wine and went back up the stairs, Linesse let out a breath of relief. She needed to avenge the ones she loved tonight, it is now or never. She then went up the stairs quietly and luckily no one was there, she ran her best getting lost at least two times before she found the throne and the one elf sitting on it was the one elf she has always dreamed about, dreamed about killing him. but one thing was stopping her from going over there and slicing his throat there were eight guards around the throne and people were partying not too far away. 

She growled to herself knowing she has to wait before she could taste the oh so sweet revenge. But as if the Iluvatar just heard her the King of Mirkwood stood up and started making his way towards the stairs leading up. Not too far away Linesse saw another stairs leading the same way without hesitation she dashed towards the stairs right before she knew it she was just a few meters behind the Elven King. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, her eyes glaring at the King's back like she was the predator and he was the prey. When suddenly she heard another light footsteps towards the King she quickly hid behind a pillar as she heard a voice,

"Ada, Manke naa lle autien?" someone asked the King, sadly Linesse couldn't understand. 

(Father, where are you going?)

"I am retiring for the night, I feel awfully tired." he replied, the footsteps continued then she saw a young elf with blonde hair walk away the way Linesse came from. She then peeked to the side of the pillar to see Thranduil staring at some statue. He placed his hand at the bottom of the statue,

"Cormamin lindua ele lle." the King whispered

(My heart sings to see thee)

Linesse noticed he had a torn and painful expression upon his face but Linesse felt no pity towards the elven King. He felt and saw no pity as he watched the ones she loved died, as he watched the dragon killing people and destroying homes. There was no pity in this elven King just a stone cold heart. He then turned and started walking again. Linesse followed ever so quietly keeping her hood up and her face hidden, her scarf covering her lower face only showing the eyes. 

When the elven King stopped at a door Linesse wondered when she would attack but before the King could close the door she quickly ran and kicked the door and swiftly and skillfully spun around to put the tip of her dagger on theh King's throat, "Any last words before I end your life elf-filth?!" Linesse hissed with her chest against his back, The King was tensed but then he asked "Who are you?" "I am no one you know but you betrayed me and my people therefore I shall seek revenge and end your life!" she hissed again excitement coursing through her body.

"I have one more word before you end my life." the King's soothing and surprisingly calm voice said "What?" she hissed like a snake He then elbowed Linesse and spun around unsheathing his sword but to only meet Linesse's dagger "I shall not die today," the King said proudly, Linesse made the first move but every time she tried to stab him the King would block easily like he could read every move of hers. But as Linesse gotten frustrated and she got her bow out and and shot the King but only to cut his cheek. The King hissed in pain as the arrow sliced his cheek. 

The King then tried to kill the unknown assassin but every time he would try to hit her she would block easily like she could predict his next moves. They danced through the room with their weapons hitting each other with hate and anger. Both wanting to kill the other but as they tried to both failed to as the other was good in blocking each blows. As the King threw a hit Linesse's dagger flew out of her hand and as she tried to run to retrieve it the King grabbed her cloak (That's why no capes!) and pulled her back making her groan in pain as she was being choked by her own cloak. The King then threw her to the wall not before yanking her cloak off and her scarf, her face was visible but she was facing the wall with her back towards Thranduil.

She grabbed her dagger and spun around to hit the King but as her eyes looked up to the King, The King stopped fighting against her. He froze as if he saw a ghost. and only one word was uttered from the King,


Linesse's eyebrows came together in a confused way. Why did he call her Elodiel? Who the hell was Elodiel? she then let out a battle cry as she continued trying to kill Thranduil. Thranduil still had a shock expression on his face not believing his very own eyes. Was it her? Was the assassin his wife? And why? Thranduil lost his focus and Linesse kicked him to the ground she lifted her dagger in the air and hissed

"This will be your end elf!" 

but then the door barged open guards and a elf with blonde hair looking inside the room armed with weapons, "Ada!" the elf called out but as everyone saw the assassin they all froze except for the blonde elf he shouted "Get her!" Linesse then dashed towards the balcony and jumped off before the elves could stop her, she then splashed into the river. The elves losing sight of her.

"Ada! Why did you let her go!? Guards!?" Legolas shouted furious that someone who tried to murder his father got away. "Is that who I thought it was?" one of the guards asked as he took off his helmet like he just saw the Valar. "Who was who?" Legolas asked, Thranduil stood up and put his hands on Legolas' shoulders, 

"That was Elodiel, Your mother."

THE KING'S ASSASSIN [THRANDUIL]  Where stories live. Discover now