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It must be horrible for Thranduil, loving and then losing. but all good things come back in the end and it did. It's a shame that it came back to kill him" -IamRosieH

        Linesse's eyes were affixed on the forest that stood in the distance thanks to her heightened sight she could see much farther than humans. Hatred was reflecting from her eyes she was determined to end his life despite Bard's words, she didn't care if Thranduil's son will seek revenge because if she had to she would also kill him to end his misery and not live with the pain of losing someone they love just as she did.

"Bard!" she called out as she returned to the kitchen to see everyone talking "Yes?" "When are you gonna get the barrels?" Linesse asked, Bard glared at Linesse knowing what she was planning "Tomorrow after noon but no you are not coming." Bard said as he stood up to pour a glass of water. "Psshh.. I don't wanna go I am just asking." she lied, she wanted to go to Thranduil's home when he didn't get the barrels. "I also don't want you to go near that forest or even across the lake," he said as he stood in front of Linesse too close that Linesse's heart accelerated not in excitement or flattery but more like in scared that Bard might do something that Linesse did not want to happen. 

"Ummm... I--" Linesse was cut off as Bard whispered "I'm sorry Linesse but I am only doing this for your own safety. I don't know what I would do if I have lost you, I don't know what I would tell my kids if something ever happened to you. They can't lose their last mother figure. Especially Tilda. She can't remember her mother she only thinks about you as her mother." Bard's words sunk into Linesse's mind. She knew what she was risking but the only way to avenge Bard's wife was to kill the person who started it all. Who did not come in need of help. 

"Yes... Bard." Linesse hesitantly said wondering if she was doing the right thing. 

Night fell and Linesse's intense gaze was still rested upon the forest that stood across the lake, her hands were pale white due to her hard and tight grip on the railing. She was biting her lower lip that she could almost taste blood coming out. "That's it." her harsh voice whispered as she ran downstairs hoping she wouldn't wake Bard and them as she went to the small boat and reached under to retrieve her weapons she was startled as someone called her name "Linesse?" she turned around and saw Bain in his pajamas. "What are you doing?" both asked at the same time. Linesse rolled her eyes, she couldn't take it any longer she must kill the King once and for all.

"I can't sleep, you?" Bain asked "Checking the water," Linesse lied as she stuck her hand inside the water but then Bain's eyes widen and he asked "You are going to the wood elves aren't you?" Linesse stomped to where Bain was and hissed in a motherly voice "You saw nothing." "I can't really say that I saw nothing but I can wait to tell da in the morning." Bain said as he winked "but you must promise me something?" Linesse's brief smile faded as she asked "What?" Bain's dark eyes sparkled under the moonlight as he spoke "Come home safe," Linesse's smile went from one ear to the other as she pulled the young lad into a hug. "I promise." she whispered as she got another scarf and wrapped it around her face leaving only her eyes visible then she pulled her hood up and got onto her small boat and quietly left lake town without anyone knowing. 

Her heart was hammering once again in her chest, she could of sworn her heart beat could be heard by Smaug. She once again was sneaking into the home of Thranduil and even though they increased their guards and patrolling still Linesse was able to sneak in with ease. "Foolish elves," she murmured under her breath she then tip toed around the area she clearly remembered the King's chambers but she needed to check upon the throne room and as she peered down to the throne room since she was on the second floor she noticed a dwarf in front of the King. She decided to listen on their conversation

"You have my word, one King to another," 

"I would not trust, Thranduil, the great king, to only his word. Till the end of all days be upon us!"

the dwarf turns around and points at Thranduil

"You, lack all honor! I have seen how you treat your friends! We came to you once, starving, homeless; seeking your help. but you turned your back! You, turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!"

The memory replayed in Linesse's mind, fresh, like it just happened yesterday.

"May you die in dragon fire!"

"Do not talk to me of dragon fire! I know its wrath and ruin. I have faced the great serpents of the north." Thranduil hissed as his face became distorted showing he was once burnt, Linesse's hand flew quickly to her mouth to keep the gasp from escaping her mouth when suddenly an unexpected pain shot through her as she clutched her head but then she started seeing something like some sort of vision that played before her eyes,

"Elodiel! Stay by my side!" his voice commanded as they battled through the fields filled with fire breathing drakes, it was long long ago. The beautiful blonde turned towards the ellon as she nodded her head. "There is too much Thranduil! We must turn back!" the blonde elleth shouted back, Thranduil looked towards the blonde head with concern and love. 

"Retreat!" Thranduil shouted to his men as they started running when suddenly a drake (JSYK, a drake is a dragon like) appeared right in front of the blonde elleth making her horse stop but making her fall off her horse. She tried getting up as she had her sword in her hand but her leg was stuck under the horse. As the drake pulled back about to blow his breath of fire upon the blonde elleth Thranduil suddenly appeared in front of her with a sword and shield. "You shall go through me before you can get to her!" Thranduil hissed, "Thranduil no--" the blonde elleth was cut off as the drake blew fire making him raise his shield but suddenly Thranduil screamed out in pain but he did not fell to his knees instead he stood his ground as the dragon burnt half of his face. 


Linesse shook her head wondering what in morgoth's balls just happened? She looked down and saw the King and the dwarf gone her eyes widen in fear as she quickly and quietly made her way towards the King's chambers. She would hide there and wait for the King to enter before she could kill him.

but before she could reach the King's chamber which was just an arm length away a sword suddenly make contact with her neck as someone hissed

"What do we have hear? An assassin?"

but not just any voice-- but the King's voice.

THE KING'S ASSASSIN [THRANDUIL]  Where stories live. Discover now