Part 4

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“Mmhmm” Daisy mentions to AngelHeart as he slowly starts flying lower with his wings keeping them balanced as they go lower and lower down to the ground.

After a few minutes AngelHeart & Daisy eventually was back on solid ground, when AngelHeart relaxed his wings as he looked at Daisy with a wide smile; as the two of them were standing still in the middle of the front yard Daisy looked at AngelHeart with a wide smile.

“Thank you” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she looks at his lips and smiles
“You’re welcome” AngelHeart says to Daisy as he was about to kiss her again.
“We better get inside before my neighbors start noticing things” Daisy says to AngelHeart as he slowly hides his wings and walks with Daisy towards the front door.

AngelHeart & Daisy walk into the house again as Daisy closes the front door behind them, when AngelHeart stood a few feet away from Daisy as he looked at her with a wide smile; Daisy smiled wide as she walked towards AngelHeart taking bot his hands in hers “Would you forever love me?” Daisy asks AngelHeart as they look at one another in each other’s eyes.

“I would” AngelHeart says to Daisy as he smiles wide at her, “Go to the bedroom I’ll get you there in a few” Daisy says to AngelHeart as he suddenly walks through to the bedroom when Daisy looks at the photo of her husband “Forgive me for this my love” Daisy says to the photo as she kisses it lightly and puts it back onto the wall.

After Daisy put the photo back on the wall she walked through to the bedroom, when she suddenly closed the door behind her as AngelHeart was standing in the middle of the bedroom “So what are you planning on doing?” AngelHeart asks Daisy as she just smiles and walks towards him

Daisy leans closer to AngelHeart as she kisses him deeply, when she made the kisses more passionate with AngelHeart which he suddenly noticed what she wanted to do; Daisy turned AngelHeart around as she was towards the bed when she pulled him closer to her as they fell onto the bed.

Daisy kept kissing AngelHeart as he was leaning over her, when she pulled her hands over his back with a firm grip on his back while they kissed one another; Daisy started undressing herself in front of AngelHeart “Are you sure you want to do this?” AngelHeart asks Daisy as she interrupts him “Yeah but we don’t make it further” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she pulls him closer to kiss him.

AngelHeart took Daisy’s clothes that she removed and threw it of the bed leaving her just in her underwear, when they kept kissing one another until AngelHeart started kissing Daisy’s neck and back up to her chest; as AngelHeart was kissing Daisy’s neck down to her chest Daisy pulled her hand onto his back leaving red marks on his skin.

A few minute passed when the two of them felt out of breathe but no one got naked to make the physical contact further, when AngelHeart laid next to Daisy on her bed while they both looked at the ceiling; “I didn’t think that would’ve felt so good” AngelHeart says to Daisy when she suddenly moves on her side and looks at him.

“It gets better once we connect our souls” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she smiles while he turns to look at her too
“Well prefer we don’t do that, if you okay with it” AngelHeart says to Daisy as she smiles at him
“It’s okay I understand” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she turns back to lie flat on back again.

“So what are we going to do the rest of the day?” AngelHeart asks Daisy as she replies to him “I honestly don’t know” Daisy says to AngelHeart while they were still lying on their backs looking at the ceiling.   

“Do you have a job?” AngelHeart suddenly asks Daisy as she leans up turning to look at him
“I do in fact have a job and will be going to work again tomorrow” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she smiles at him
“Can I go with you?” AngelHeart says to Daisy as he also leans up to look at her in the eyes

“Unfortunately not, you’ll have to stay here while I’m at work” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she smiles at him when he suddenly plonks back on his back, “Sigh” AngelHeart reacts to Daisy’s words when she suddenly climbs slowly over him leaning over him as she softly places her arms on his chest.

“I’ll be home before 3pm everyday but I’m sure you can watch some movies while I’m gone” Daisy says to AngelHeart as she leans over to kiss him a couple of time.
“Where’s the fun in that when you not with me” AngelHeart says to Daisy as she suddenly thinks to herself

“You have a phone right?” Daisy asks AngelHeart when he immediately answers her back, “Yeah I do” AngelHeart says to Daisy as she smiles at him.
“How about I give you my number and we can message one another while I’m at work so you don’t feel lonely, what do you think?” Daisy mentions to AngelHeart as they smile wide at one another.

“I guess that’s better” AngelHeart says to Daisy as she smiles at him and leans over once more kissing AngelHeart again but this time making it longer which she started turning it that she tried to kiss him with her tongue but AngelHeart started feeling uncomfortable.

AngelHeart suddenly pulls away before it went further, “I think I’m going to make something to eat because I’m starving” AngelHeart says to daisy as he moves away from her and off the bed to walk through to the kitchen.

Daisy sat still on the bed watching him walk away when she thought to herself “What am I thinking, I was married and I’m much older than him why would I want to get intimate with him; I seriously need to get my thoughts together” Daisy thinks to her-self as she suddenly seemed a bit depressed of what she was trying to do.

While Daisy was in the bedroom getting her thoughts straight AngelHeart was in the kitchen thinking of making something but he actually didn’t want, he just wanted to end that weird moment so he stood against the washing basin thinking to him-self.

“I can’t believe I thought she was beautiful when I never really realized that the temptation of having sex was so easy to fall for, but I’m glad I did what I did to move away from that moment; I just need to stay strong and resist it again” AngelHeart thought to himself as he suddenly walked through to the lounge grabbing the front door keys on the way to the front door when he opened the door and walked outside.

After AngelHeart walked out the front door he revealed his wings and flew away with a bang in the sky, when Daisy noticed the noise and grabbed her gown walking through to the lounge which she then walked to the front door noticing AngelHeart did fly away; Daisy stood there by the front door looking towards the sky hoping to see AngelHeart but he was already out of view.

After a few minutes of standing by the front door looking at the sky Daisy eventually walked back into the house again feeling guilt and a certain pain in her chest, when all she could think about was AngelHeart and how she may have messed up but she suddenly walked to her bedroom picking up her phone wanting to text AngelHeart when she noticed he left his phone on the bedside cabinet; Daisy frowned and sat on the side of her bed trying to understand what was going on.

She noticed AngelHeart didn’t make him-self anything to eat in the kitchen on the way to the bedroom and he left his phone on the bedside cabinet, when Daisy suddenly realized it must be about something she did that must’ve made him uncomfortable; Daisy sat on her bed still when she suddenly picked up the photo of her husband “I really thought I tried my love, I really did” Daisy said to the photo of her husband.

While Daisy was sitting on the side of the bed moping about what she did AngelHeart was still gliding above the clouds, when he came across a big opening in the middle of a mountain which he slowly landed onto it and sat down looking at the view and admiring the silence but as he was sitting there all by him-self he kept wondering about Daisy for no reason; “Something about her keeps making my heart beat faster and my skin feel all fuzzy, Sighs” AngelHeart thinks to him-self as he sat in silence for a while.

(3 Hours later)
Daisy was finally dressed in clothes and was busy in the kitchen making some dinner, when all she kept thinking about was AngelHeart but as she was busy cooking some chicken, rice and veggies Daisy tried to not cry well she’s busy or she might hurt her-self again so Daisy focused on making dinner; as Daisy was making dinner she suddenly heard some flapping noises when she knew it was AngelHeart.

So Daisy stopped what she was doing grabbing a drying cloth to dry her hands and suddenly walks through to the lounge towards the front door but as she opened the front door, there AngelHeart was standing in front of her with a bunch of red roses in his hands; Daisy just smiled at AngelHeart as she nodded for him to come in the house.

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