Part 5

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Daisy took the flowers and walked through to the kitchen to get a vas for the flowers, when AngelHeart walked through to the bedroom to finally fetch him-self a shirt to put on but as finished putting it on Daisy was standing by the bedroom door smiling at him; AngelHeart noticed it and smiled back as he walked towards her.

AngelHeart slowly hugged Daisy as he held her in his arms for a bit, when Daisy suddenly started crying in his arms as she leaned her head on AngelHeart’s shoulder; AngelHeart noticed she was crying so he hugged her tighter as he then softly kissed her on her neck and leaned his chin on her shoulder again.

“I’m sorry” Daisy whispered to AngelHeart as they were still hugging one another
AngelHeart moves back for Daisy to look at him “I forgive you” AngelHeart said to Daisy as she tried to smile with her tears running down her cheek

“Let’s go eat something then we can feel better” AngelHeart said to Daisy as she nodded yes and walked through to the kitchen while AngelHeart was holding her hand following her.

AngelHeart & Daisy walked through to the kitchen, when AngelHeart noticed that Daisy was busy making some sort of stir-fry so he helped her finish up and so they eventually started dishing up which AngelHeart suddenly stopped Daisy before she walked through to the lounge and kissed her a couple of times; Daisy smiled after AngelHeart kissed her which they finally walked through to the lounge.

AngelHeart & Daisy got to the lounge and slowly sat down on the couch, when Daisy decided to put the Television on a Movie channel which had a drama movie showing; Daisy put the volume soft as they started eating their chicken Stir-fry.

(20 minutes later)
Daisy & AngelHeart finished their chicken stir-fry, when Daisy put both the plates on the coffee table and leaned back which AngelHeart then pulled her closer to wrap his arm around her while they watched the movie; Daisy looked up at AngelHeart with a smile and lean her head back onto AngelHeart’s chest.

The two of them watched the movie till the end, when AngelHeart & Daisy started falling asleep on the couch but as AngelHeart slowly leaned his head back he suddenly woke up noticing Daisy was fast asleep next to him; AngelHeart smiled as he slowly moved off the couch and placed his arms under Daisy which he then picked her up walking through to the bedroom with her in his arms.

AngelHeart got to the bedroom and slowly placed Daisy on the bed, when he suddenly covered her with the duvet and kissed her forehead before he walked back to the lounge; after AngelHeart kissed Daisy’s head he smiled and whispered “I love you” AngelHeart whispered and slowly walked through to the lounge.

When AngelHeart got to the lounge he put all the lights off including the Television and slowly lied down onto the couch, when he lied with his arms crossed and legs across the rest of the couch trying to fall asleep; as AngelHeart was about to sleep he smiled wide due to having a thought of Daisy in his mind.

(7 Hours later)
It was around 3am in the morning, when AngelHeart heard the demon’s voice “I’ll get her soon enough” the demon whispered which woke AngelHeart up and left him breathing heavy sitting up on the couch; AngelHeart felt freaked out by the voice so he walked through to the bedroom to check on Daisy when he saw she was still sleeping.

AngelHeart took a deep breath and slowly turned around, when the side lamp went on “Angel is that you?” Daisy mentions to AngelHeart as she noticed him in the room; “Hi go back to sleep” AngelHeart said to Daisy as he slowly approached her beside the bed.

“I had a dream about you” Daisy said to AngelHeart as he smiled, “We’ll talk about it in the morning” AngelHeart said to Daisy as he was about to walk away when Daisy suddenly grabbed his hand; “Can you sleep with me please” Daisy mentions to AngelHeart as he turned around facing her with a slight smile.

AngelHeart slowly walked to the other side of the bed and climbed under the duvet, when Daisy took his hand pulling him closer to her; Daisy moved AngelHeart’s arm around as she held his hand while she tried falling asleep again.

Daisy got comfortable again with AngelHeart by her side this time, when AngelHeart was wide awake looking at the back of Daisy’s neck wondering about his nightmare but after a few minutes AngelHeart eventually fell asleep against Daisy; AngelHeart leaned his head against Daisy’s neck as he moved closer to her by holding her tighter

(Day passes)
It was slowly becoming morning around 5am in the morning, when AngelHeart heard the demon’s voices again “You know I’ll come for her” The demon voice whispered at AngelHeart.

AngelHeart just frowned and as he did so Daisy suddenly turned around as her face was facing AngelHeart’s, when her nose softly touched AngelHeart’s noes which suddenly woke him up; AngelHeart laid there awake as he looked at Daisy as her face was right by his.

AngelHeart looked at Daisy for a while he noticed her eye were moving meaning she was still fast asleep so AngelHeart moved his hand slowly underneath the duvet trying to feel for Daisy’s hand, when he eventually felt it and slowly held it for a while which as he held it he looked at Daisy’s face and she just smiled; AngelHeart tried to fall asleep again and as he closed his eyes suddenly he started dreaming about him & Daisy together.

(2 hours later)
It was 7am in the morning which was time for Daisy to get up, when her alarm clock went off but as it went off Daisy slowly woke up noticing AngelHeart was lying right in front of her which she just smiled at him being asleep; Daisy slowly moved to get out the but as she moved she noticed AngelHeart was holding her hand which Daisy just smiled wide and slowly let go of his hand.

After Daisy let go of AngelHeart’s hand she slowly started climbing out the bed and walked towards her closet, when she started getting undressed to put on her work clothes but as she was putting her work clothes on she looked back at AngelHeart smiling; Daisy eventually got dressed and was about to leave the room when she suddenly decided to walk towards the bed leaning over kissing AngelHeart on his forehead.

Daisy kissed him a bit long and slowly pulled away, when she smiled and grabbed her phone on her side cabinet on the way through to the lounge; Daisy finally walked to out the house and slowly opened the garage to pull out her car.

While Daisy was busy pulling her car out AngelHeart was still fast asleep, when Daisy suddenly closed the garage door which the noise woke up AngelHeart so AngelHeart sat up noticing Daisy wasn’t in the bed; AngelHeart got out the bed quickly when he looked out the window seeing Daisy pulling out the yard and driving away.

AngelHeart thought to him-self that now is the day he has to stay at home without Daisy around, when he started worrying that now he can’t protect her from the demon so AngelHeart grabbed his shoes and walked through to the lounge; AngelHeart got to the lounge as he walked towards the front door noticing the door was unlocked so he walked out noticing Daisy’s neighbor was outside looking towards AngelHeart.

AngelHeart felt a bit nervous so he just walked back into the house and closing the front door, when he walked towards the lounge window watching the neighbor waiting for her to walk back into her house but she was busy in the garden; AngelHeart felt disappointed that he now can’t fly away to go see Daisy so he sat down on the couch wiping his face with his hands in frustration.

After a few minutes AngelHeart realized that he can message Daisy on his phone, when he walked through to the bedroom to fetch his phone but as he got to the bedroom and picked up his phone he noticed her number wasn’t on his phone which made AngelHeart even more frustrated; AngelHeart threw his phone on the bed and yelled as he grunted by not being able to reach out Daisy.

AngelHeart yelled so loud that the neighbors may have heard him, when the lady across the road looked towards Daisy’s house frowning which she was tempted to call the police but she just ignored it and walked into the house; after AngelHeart’s outburst he plonked onto the bed as he looked up at the ceiling.

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