Chapter 3

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Chameleon has been in the library for a bit after his conversation with Spirit. Then he heard the dinner gong, sighed, put his scroll about history away, and walked to the eating hall. When he gets there his eyes somehow through all the chaos landed on Shadowhunter, who's talking with the rest of the Jade winglet. Shadowhunter sees Chameleon, waves to him happily, and beckons him over. Chameleon sees Spirit above Shadowhunter doing a you're proving my point face, with the rest of the Jade winglet left and Chameleon pretending Spirit isn't there, leaving Shadowhunter and Chameleon(semi) alone with each other.

"Chameleon, I'm so glad you finally got here! You took forever!" Shadowhunter whines.

"You should stop whining. It isn't flattering. You're six, not two anymore." An annoyed Chameleon replied.

"You sound like my dad. Boo!" He groans. "But, I know that both of you love me." He adds smugly

"What?" Chameleon says shocked, were his feelings for him that noticeable? A smirking Spirit looks at Chameleon smugly from behind Shadowhunter

"Ya I love you two." Shadowhunter says happily ," I mean just as friends of course!" Shadowhunter adds quickly. Is that a hint of panic tinted in his voice?

"Oh um yeah..... yeah." Chameleon replies "I'm probably just imagining the panic in his voice" He thinks.

"Well you should probably get something to eat." Shadowhunter says changing the subject quickly ,"So we can plan our revenge on Dragon Fruit!" Shadowhunter adds excitedly, a tint of madness in his eyes, sadism must run in the family. " Mwahhhh Hahahaha! " He laughs evily

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me." Chameleon replies

"Wait!" Shadowhunter says quickly with an amusing, ''what have I done? '' look on his face.

"Yes?" Chameleon asks.

"May I please come with you?" Asks Shadowhunter awkwardly, clearly questioning his life decisions

"Sure Shadowhunter. Your company would be wonderful." Says Chameleon, smiling a bit, excited to be spending time with him.

"Three moons!" laughs a shocked Shadowhunter, "Never say that again! Your company would be wonderful! Who even says that!" Shadowhunter gasps through laughs.

"Ha, ha, ha very funny. I dare you to say that again." Chameleon replies, rolling his eyes

Shadowhunter giggles a bit more then responds "I'm sorry I didn't mean to insult you. I just thought it was shockingly funny."

"Well I'm not going to forgive you." Chameleon says teasingly

"Who's the immature one now!" Shadowhunter jokes in response, "Well we should probably get going and talk about our revenge on Dragon Fruit!"

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." says Chameleon, "Any ideas?"

"My only idea is to take and hide one of their things." Says Shadowhunter

"My idea was to do a sort of treasure hunt type of thing." Says Chameleon, "Hmmmm.... Which one is a better plan?"

They both think for a minute then a flame goes off in their heads.

"We combine the two ideas!" They say at the same time. They look at each other and chuckle.

"I'm hungry, let's go." Chameleon says

"Ok!" Replies Shadowhunter cheerfully.

Then they leave to go catch fish.

"They're so clueless" Says a left behind Spirit chuckling a bit.

End of Chapter 3. Hope you've enjoyed it this far!

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