Chapter 19

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The days turned into weeks which turned into months for Chameleon at Jade Mountain. He actually enjoyed it a lot, and it's sadly coming to an end for him. He's going over all of the memories he's had over his stay as he packs up.

"Hi, Chameleon," Shadowhunter says suddenly from behind him.

"Oh," Chameleon exclaims, "... hey Shadowhunter," He says a bit sadly as Shadowhunter sits down beside him.

"I heard what happened, I was wondering if you needed any help?" Shadowhunter asks with concern.

"No thanks, I can do it myself." Chameleon answers with a shake of his head.

"Chameleon," Shadowhunter says sternly, "I meant do you want some dragon to talk to?"

"I'm fine," Chameleon says while he rolls his talons while looking at them.

"Look, I may not know what it's like, but I do know this talking to some dragon can really help with these types of things," Shadowhunter says warmly with a smile. He seems to have practiced this, "So, if you want I can be that dragon." He curls his tail around Chameleons.

Chameleon shakes his head before saying sternly, "I don't want to talk about it."

Shadowhunter takes a deep breath, "Ok, I respect your choice." He says it through clenched teeth

"You, really want to know what I'm feeling don't you?" Chameleon says as he raises his eyebrow in slight annoyance

"I sadly do, but realize that it's only to help you nothing else!" Shadowhunter says defensively while waving his claws back and forth.

"Yeah I do, buddy," Chameleon says,"But realize this I don't want to talk about it. Ok?"

"Ok, and I do respect your choice, that's the truth," Shadowhunter says as he begins to leave, but stops himself as he remembers what he actually came here for, "Oh wait, I had to tell you something! There's a surprise for you at the underground lake, so please come, I promise it'll be worth it!"

"I'm done packing anyway, "Chameleon says as he stands up before stretching out his wings, "Let's go."

"Oh! Um...ok!"

The two leave together to go to the underground lake.

"Well I promise you this CHAMELEON surprise is wonderful!" Shadowhunter says when they were nearly at the underground lake.

"Why did you say my name like that?" Chameleon asks with a tilt of his head.

"In what way?" Shadowhunter asks with acted confusion, "Oh look we're here!"

"SURPRISE CHAMELEON!!!" Truthfinder, Tablet, and Dragon Fruit yell as soon as the two walk in. The cave looks exactly the same besides a few colored rocks. Chameleon is shocked by the colored rocks.

"Wow," Chameleon quietly exclaims in clear shock, "Thank you four!" He then quickly adds in clear shock, "I'm surprised that you just colored rocks knowing you four."

"We wanted the lamps around the school, but they caught me and Dragon Fruit taking them," Truthfinder explains with a shrug.

"You know what, I'm not a big fan of gossip, so don't tell me." Chameleon says

"That's not gossip," Truthfinder remarks.

Chameleon ignores her, "But, wow, still thanks for doing this." She shoots him a glare

"You should thank Shadowhunter the most, he came up with the idea," Tablet says with a nod towards Shadowhunter.

"You did, thanks Shadowhunter!" Chameleon says smiling at him.

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