Chapter 19: The Professor and the Pendant of Perception

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Word Count: 1,541

Chapter 19: The Professor and the Pendant of Perception

We had spent so much time talking and discussing that it was the evening when we made it to the Great Hall. I looked over the sea of students seated at their houses until I found who I was looking for. I glanced at each individual at the Gryffindor table until I saw familiar dark brown hair. I went over to him, my friends close behind.

"Jason! I need to talk to you about something," I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him to a spot just outside the hall. He begrudgingly complied.

"What is it this time?" he asked, seeming somewhat irritated that I'd dragged him away from a good meal.

"First off, I want to apologize for everything that happened at the Astronomy Tower. You were right. But I really need your help right now," I started before proceeding to explain my situation to him.

"I'll do anything I can to help you, but what do you need me for?" he asked, his brown eyes intensely focused on me.

"We're looking for a book in the restricted section, but we don't have access to it. Do you think you could get it for us?"

"You'd have to wait until tomorrow, but I should be able to. What's the title?"

"Dark and Defensive Objects," Genesis answered.

"Alright, meet me in the library tomorrow after breakfast and I'll have it by then," he was about to walk off when he turned back and hugged me. "Be safe, okay? If you find yourself in over your head, let me know. I'll do anything for you, okay? I love you little sis," he whispered, referring to the nickname he sometimes calls me.

"I love you too big bro!" With that, he walked off.

"Well, this will be some progress. With the book we should find out more about the pendant, perhaps it'll give us a new clue."

"Whatever happens, we'll go from there!" Elliot declared. We rejoined the Great Hall and had dinner, though it was overshadowed by an ominous feeling I couldn't seem to shake. I felt like there was something darker looming over us, like the worst had yet to come.

The next day, Elliot, Genesis, Ruby, Sable, Val, I met up for breakfast. We had avoided telling anyone else about our investigation, even Lucian and Mathias didn't know. Those two seemed pretty irked that we were keeping a big secret from them, and they had, unsuccessfully, tried to get Val and I to tell them. Throughout breakfast, I felt the eyes of some of the staff wander over to where we were every once in a while. I wonder if they suspect all of us. We ate breakfast in a hurry, scarfing as much as we could. Today would be full of even more investigating, so we needed our energy. We found Jason in the library where he said he would be, the book under his arm.

"Is this what you're looking for?" he said, handing it to us. The book looked new, with a well kept purple cover and gold lettering on the front that spelled Dark and Defensive Objects.

"Yes, perfect! Thank you!" I said, grabbing it and looking at the table of contents.

"I can't keep it too long, so be quick." We did as he said, seating our group at a table as we began flipping through the pages, the smell of fresh parchment coming from the pages.

"Here we are! The Pendant of Perception!" Rubina read. "It has the ability to control the mind of others with extreme strength and willpower. Additionally, the pendant can access other people's memories as well as manipulate them. It can cause amnesia or make people believe something that did not happen, actually did occur. It was created long ago during a time of constant strife. It is said that a hero sorceress created it to calm the evil forces and bring peace to the land. The last known holder of this pendant was said to be a man called Darius."

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