Isla de Muerta

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It was early evening as Narcissa walked up towards the helm where her father stood. Captain Barbossa had grown used to his daughter coming up to watch the sunset with him although he still requested, she not be on deck at night. Despite her calm reaction to the curse, he didn't like having her see his cursed form more than necessary.

He had enjoyed spending time with her over the last few weeks. She truly was his greatest treasure. A memory floated to the front of his mind.


Six-year-old Narcissa was lying in bed. It was evening and Hector had just finished telling her a story of one of his adventures. Edited to be slightly more child-appropriate. She looked up at him innocently a smile on her face.

"Please tell me another one!" she asked.

"Perhaps tomorrow night treasure. Ye need to get to sleep or yer mother will have my head."

Narcissa gave a rather adorable huff but nodded. Hector bent down and kissed her forehead before standing up and leaving the little room. In the kitchen Lydia Davis was waiting for him. She had ash blond hair, pale skin, soft features, and light brown eyes. She had a quiet beauty to her although Hector new she was no damsel in distress.

"She a daddy's girl that one," Lydia said with a smile.

"Aye that she is," replied Hector sitting down in a chair and pulling Lydia to sit sideways in his lap. Lydia placed a hand on his cheek.

"For someone who said they had no idea of how to be a father, you do a fairly good job."

"Why thank ye Lyddie." Hector told her before kissing her.

"Promise me something please," whispered Lydia as they leaned their foreheads together.

"Of course," said Hector.

"If anything should ever happen to me, make sure she's safe. I don't want her to end up like one of those whores in Tortuga."

"I promise Lyddie, I won't let anything happen to our girl."


Sadly two years later Lydia's prediction had come true when she died of typhus. Hector was just glad he had been there when it happened so he could look after their daughter. He was brought out of his thoughts by Narcissa who had reached the helm.

She smiled at him as she approached and walked to the side of the ship to watch the sunset. He gave the helm to Bosun and walked over to stand next to her sufficiently far away enough that they wouldn't be overheard.

"So, we'll be at Isla de Muerta tomorrow?" she asked.

"Aye, that we will," answered Barbossa.

"You must be excited to get the curse lifted."

"You have no idea," agreed Barbossa. Excited was putting it lightly. "I just hope your plan will work."

"It will, I know William Turner will come after Elizabeth. Then you can get your curse broken and they can find a way back to Port Royal."

"And what about you?" Barbossa asked.

"Well that depends," said Narcissa tentatively. Barbossa figured now was as good as any to ask her.

"How would ye like to join my crew once the curse is lifted?" he asked. Narcissa's face lit up with joy.

"Are you serious!?" she exclaimed.

"Aye, I am." Barbossa said, pleased she appeared so receptive to the offer.

"Yes, I'd love to come with you," she told him brightly before pausing. "I'll have to explain it to Liz and Will but, I never felt right a Port Royal. These past few weeks with you have been some of the happiest of my life."

"Good. Then it's decided." Barbossa gave her a small smile. He didn't like showing any "soft" emotions around the crew but he couldn't help but be happy about his daughter's decision.


Narcissa watched as they approached Isla de Muerta in the long boats. She was seated next to Elizabeth and gave her friend's hand a comforting squeeze. The cave looked particularly foreboding so she couldn't blame Elizabeth for being scared.

She was still quite certain about her plan for Will to follow them.

They got out of the boats and entered a cavern filled with gold. The pirates lugged several chests with them before dumping them on the ground.

Narcissa saw Ragetti holding a parasol and smiled slightly in amusement. The whole crew seemed understandably excited. Narcissa, her father, and Elizabeth reached the top of a mound of coins.

"One of the lookouts told me they sighted a ship coming this way, it looks like ye might be right," her father told her quietly.

"I told you I was," said Narcissa as relief flooded her.

"Aye but we need to draw them out," her father said before grabbing Elizabeth and holding up his knife. Narcissa gasped and Elizabeth cried out.

"We stand before the cursed treasure of Cortez himself. Won by blood it demands blood in return!"

"Aye!" cried the crew.

"You know the first thing I'm going to do once the curse is broken?" Barbossa asked. "Eat a whole barrel of apples!"

There was cheering but then one pirate suddenly yelled.

"What about the Turner blood! Ye assured us the boy would be here!"

"Does any man dare defy me!" yelled Narcissa's father pulling out his gun. An argument began to break out between the pirates with some being willing to wait while others were impatient. Or at least that's what Narcissa thought was going on.

"Stay back" her father told her sharply. Narcissa felt her hand nervously go to the handle of the pistol she'd been given and her heartrate increased. She turned to look at Elizabeth only to find said girl had disappeared and with her a golden medallion that had been laying by itself on a nearby rock.

Narcissa cursed and stepped down the pile to look around just as thing began to quiet. She looked up to see the cause and to her surprise saw none other than Captain Jack Sparrow, standing awkwardly holding an oar as a hoard of pirates pointed their swords and guns at him.

"You! You're supposed to be dead!" said Pintel. Jack looked down at himself.

"Am I not?" he made to turn around only to find more pirates behind him.

"Perlerley, no not it...pereleyloo" Jack looked as if he were attempting to remember something, "parlene...parsnip...parsley...partner..."

"Parley?" suggested Ragetti. Jack clapped his hands.

"That's the one parley!"

"Damn to the depths whatever mutton head thought up parley!" said Pintel with a scowl.

"That would be the French," said Jack.

"How the blazes did you get off that island?" asked Narcissa's father.

"Ah! I see you found your daughter. Feisty lass, quite handy with a sword."

"Shut it Sparrow and answer the question," Narcissa snapped. Jack held his hands up in surrender as he turned back to her father.

"When you marooned me on that God Forsaken spit of land, you forgot one important thing mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."

"Aye well I'll not be forgetting that again," Narcissa's father said before cocking his gun.

"You still need the Turner boy," said Jack.

"Yes, thank you Captain obvious," said Narcissa.

"Actually, it's Captain Jack," corrected Sparrow.

"You know where he is?" her father said sharply. Jack smirked.

Author's Note: Another week another chapter! Hope you all enjoyed the little peek into Barbossa and Lydia's relationship! If you enjoying this story please, please, PLEASE leave your thoughts in the comments. It really makes a difference. Until next week!

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