Weird minds and feelings

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It's been weird today because  Bobal was'nt being moodier then usual around the house and he had been blushing when I talk to him. He thinks I didnt know but I do. He been quieter and the while gang was surprised, even for Bob. He would even ask him if he's alright and says he's good and just needed rest. "Like he needed rest" I can see him doing weird stuff now like being calm whenever around me or well. Just hugging me when I'm asleep on the couch when the gang aint around but I did caught him singing which kept me off guard. His voice was like an angel when no on was around. Though at some point I look into his room to hear his soft voice without him noticing and it felt nice really. He was good at singing but I leaned into the door so much and fell splat in the face.

Bobal now looked at him shocked and with a red face and asked-shouted " WTF ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM???" I looked at him embarrassed and I was still in the floor red faced "Uhhhhh uhm. I liked you singing??" "YOU WHAT?!?!?! Wait hol up how long have you heard me singing???" "Ever since you started????" I said. I got back up and shuttled the door. Bobal was still mad red at me and embarrassed. I will admit it he was adorable. Though he got up to me and hugged me , I hugged back then were sitting on his bed.

Bobal pov: Darn he he caught me singing but though I would'nt complain. He wasn't noisy like the "lovebirds" he's calm and collected ever since and we do talk a lot of stuff when the gang aint around though I had been getting weird vibes when I was singing. Like there was a certain presence  in my room. Well he was caught but... I felt something in my stomach like... I wanted more then friends... Like being together but the gang might tease the both like that so I tried to ignore it by singing my favorite songs. I didn't know it would become worse and now he's next to me close on the face.

Bobot pov: Uhhhh Bobal? You there? He jumped up " yeah I'm good, I was lost in my thoughts again" "Oh well-" "GUYS LUnCH IS READY!!!" We both jumped by the shouting and saw BOWAEV on the door. "DUDE DONT SCARE US LIKE THAT!!!" Bobal scared-shouted like (they were about to do sex) it was the end of the world. "Sorry about that I was really hungry and- Bobal why are you holding Bobot's arm??" I was confused until I saw him hugging my arm and I well blushed. "Uhm actually Bowaev's right why are yo hugging my arm???" I asked confused. Bobal realised what he was doing and letter go of me. "N O T H I NG LETS JUST EAT-" he said and ran outside of his room.

Bobal pov: SHIT SHIT SHIT I HUGGED HIS ARM I REALLY AM GETTING A DISEASE OR SOMETHING?? IM JUST GONNA EAT TO MAKE MY PANIC GO AWAY. I went to the kitchen to get lunch I was too hungry anyway. "Hey Bobal, here's you plate" bofo said offering the food. "Thanks Bofo" I thanked him and went to the table to eat while the "lovesicks" are together sleeping on the couch. What lazy douche bags

Bobot pov: I went to the kitchen and gotten my food from Bofo and saw Bobal muttering himself, while he was half done with his food I went to eat my food sitting one chair apart next to me. 

A fricking while later...

BOWAEV pov: Huh that's odd, Bobal and bobot were acting strange when I entered the room. Bobal was hugging Bobot's arm. This is new... could they been dating?? I'm not really sure anymore but I gotta tell the others. I had the opportunity since they two were both asleep while the others were wide awake.

"Heys guys I have something to tell you, actually this is not about our new strategy in Minecraft this is something else." Bowaev told. 'What do you mean??? Did something happen?" Boder asked worriedly. "No it's not that... Bobal and Bobot are acting very strange to eachother. I don't wanna come into conclusions right now but you dont think they have feelings like the like eachother?" I asked but then Bosip spilled his drink, Bob paused his game, Bofo looked at me and Boder was eyes wide at me hearing what I said. " WH A T no. Literally I get it Bowaev. They ca be like a couple or something but there is NO WAY they can be with eachother. I see them only close friends in my observation. If they were dating we will be surprised and wondering how did they had the marbles to be together. Bob said with all seriousness. "Bob what if Bowaev is correct??? I mean Bobot and Bobal are very close and yes Bobot is calm and collected while Bobal is very noisy and a rampage. Though we can't ask them because matters will become worse. And Bob is that my pants?? Bosip asked blushing. "Y'know I did have a feeling they will be together eventually, they're dynamic and personality makes a great match!" I said estacticly  " We will talk about this tomorrow now, its night time and I need to charge so well goodnight guys" bofo said going to his room. Boder and the others went and said goodnight and was I. Though I was still awake and an idea popped up. I will investigate further tomorrow! I drifted of going to sleep.

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