Boba date real part-

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Yo guys I'm sorry for accidentally tricking you yall I'm so sorry- here's the chapter FOR REAL REAL and its not really a date- its like a one shot- I'm so sorry ;-;


Hot summer just kicked in and thast the day people will torture their Air conditioners and fans to make things cold. Even the gang right now they are using the their ac's to make it cold heck Bob even went into Minecraft with Bowaev to make the biome into winter because the hot summer-

However somehow Bobot managed to get along with the damn heat with his full-on body armor, hell even Boder still having his damn coat and scarf-. Bobal in the other hand couldn't take this heat and just well.. took of his own shirt and just wear yellow shorts instead. Bob explained that he will be with Bowaev and Boder in Minecraft to make a winter biome so that it will be cooled whilst being in the game.

While for Bobot you asked? Poor him he cant even take his eyes of him due to looking at him multiple times. Bobal is fully aware of the situation but that didnt mind him. It was too damn how for him to tolerate.

"Dude. You've been looking at me like a whole good 5 minutes redhead why the fuck are you staring a me??" He snapped in annoyance because he became literally annoyed and trying to sleep. "Dude you just removed your damn shirt that's out of the blue. Bruh and stop calling me redhead." "It's damn getting hot in here and I need to be cooled off." "Then go to the Boba shop- I will "come" with you." 

So it was decided. They both went to the shop for their flavors and got them back but while walking they found Bosip being with Bob instead. The two looked at eachother and decided to record them hence Bob said he went with the Boder in Minecraft. While Bobal was sipping his drink Bobot catches the scene. Bob and Bosip were making out. This made the two surprised but had a smirk on each other  faces. Sweet revenge for both falling in the depths of the sea due to Bob and Bosip's trap.

They both came back home to see Bofo already there just fixing his leg since it broke down recently and just screwing it up again. Bofo greeted them and asked why they came fast as light since the two are literally slow, Bobal said to him that it was hot you know? They needed breeze not scorching heat to make them melt fast-.

Bobal and Bobot went to Bobal's room but before they uploaded the video they just kissed eachother in luck. Then they posted the 5 minute video and... they made out.


"YOU FREAKING WHAT?!?!?" Bob was mad red with anger while Bosip was just red embarrassed of what he did.. "YOU WULL PAY!!!!!" Bob was running trying to get him while Bobal was too fast and was just clinging behind Bobot already growling at the Blue boy- at this point it was either to apologize or fight him and Bobal did the middle finger to him.. Oh how that the argument grew bad then ever..

"Bobal sweetie, don't make this fight worse or no hugs from me either and you wont get privileges of Twix candy bars as well." Bofo told him with tiredness and Bobal just turn into his ball form and went on top og hid head and squeaked to be held. Bob was just laughing at him being like this at this point but he growled at him again making him stop-

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