It's too quiet..

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Im back. Yahooooooo!,! I  still here! I know it's been 2 weeks is said id be writing but holy jeez i kinda needed a break- so yeah sorry if you had been waiting long time. This might be angst? I said might but in the end is wholesome.

Edit: this is angst.


The sun is up for the day! Everyone was doing their daily hobbies and activities with no hesitation on doing so. Bosip was glued with Bob playing Minecraft to beat the enderdragon with stolen pearls from Bobal's chest. Bowaev and Boder was just playing Uno on the living#room carpet with no lights on making it hard to see but just gone through with it. The robot was just reading the instructions to make a nuke for entertainment purposes. All was doing well in fileshare but something was off. It was too quiet. Almost rare to have an evening so peaceful giving Bowaev a chill in their spine giving fill of worry.  The child told Boder quickly and soon enough the roomates were with dread of horror. 

They told the sharkboy and cube to come back from the the disappearance, the two came back minutes later both giving a frantic look at their friends. "What do you mean they're not here? They rarely even get out of the house unless we played all together." Bosip quoted "I bet they might be in the garden where Bobal was playing. Some sort of simulator or tycoon?" He guessed shrugging with his arms and hands showing. All of them were teleporting room to room heck even every cabinet and drawer they came across! All was swept clean no sign of them were to be found. Bosip was texting and miss-called them but the strange thing is they were all left on read meaning they are okay.. but where are did they go? They all stood silent thinking on the situation leading them to talk about many theories on what happened to them. 

Bosip had a glimpse of the window, it was already getting dark. Bosip suggested to see the pair's teleportation history and usual games they'd play. Bofo and Boder looked into in it only to see them with a shocked expression. The others gathered behind them and stared at the blank whitescreen. 

It was empty..

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