Lemme eat my damn cereal motherfuckers.

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Listen here. Dtiys from amor got my brain thinking too hard. So yeah and Masked seem to giving more ideas thanks gurl. Anyways enjoy the chapter. And also a TW/warning that it's a little angst but it has fluff so if you cant tolerate it dont read it.


"GIVE IT BACK YOU BITCH!" "HELL NO! IM TELLING BOFO ABOUT THIS!!" the blue haired boy was running around holding something on his right digital hand. The brunette was running fast as lightning to get the out of hand boy and decided to catch him by throwing his body instead. He went on top of the brown colored couch and threw his weight crashing the blunette to fall down in an instant. Bob whined in pain from the weight Bobal crash landed on him.

"Owwwww. Bobal what the fuck man?!" Bob limped over trying to get up from the force that the coffee-colored male but failed as he was to heavy to make him budge over to the other side.

"Bobal." The robot told in a bold voice and looked over the duplet douchebags on the beige floor. "UH UHM BYE-" the brown male ran upstairs to his room with all was left the robot chasing him with a slipper on his hand.

"That was entertaining enough. Now I can eat my cereal in peace." As the masked emo boy wen to the couch and sat with his bowl of yellow fresh cornflakes on his lap. He grabbed his spoon and gotten an overflowing spoon of cereal and was about to put it into his mouth but the a realization hit him with a snap of a finger.

He had his helmet on and his choker meaning that he can't eat properly with it.


The red-head didn't want anyone to see his face while eating his last bowl of cereal on the couch but however rethinking about his choice that mostly the gang was upstairs probably doing dumb stuff and fighting eachother. So he reconsidered and took of his bright yellow helmet, then starting to unclip his black choker and started to eat quietly chewing his crunchy flakes peacefully with no one watching him. Just as he finally wished for a long time.

"I never knew you were pretty Bobot." The male jumped by the sudden voice spilling some cereal staining the silky wool of the couch. "Bobal?! I thought you were upstairs! Why are you here so sudden?!" He asked in shock looking around if there were others around the room.

 He's scared that they will call him ugly by the looks of his face. He was never confident on how he looked because he got laughed at other people outside of the house. He considered himself to be disgusting and weird. He had the helmet so that he can go out while no one was staring at him, he's too scared to show his face again hell everytime he looks at himself on the mirror he see's a reflection of himself being called ugly and a freak.

"Wanted to check on you. I love you for goodness sake god." He scooted over to the red male next to him. "I want you to smile and not be afraid of showing who you are. That's why I came here to comfort you and have a little courage of confidence dunce face." The brunette leaning next to him.

"Thanks Bobal for that, I appreciated it." He replied getting a kiss on the cheek by his partner.

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