what more is out there?

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Suddenly, a knock at her door was heard. She opened it to see Shade, her childhood friend, standing there. (Note: in this, they're friends)

Shade: hey, Crystal. Sorry to interrupt your sciency stuff, but principal Mephiles wants to talk to you. He said it was urgent.

Crystal: oh, okay. Be on my way! *as she left her dorm room, she saw Fiona fox and Ghost Heart, looking at each other evilly.

Crystal: *thinking* just keep moving, just keep moving, just keep moving! *sees them look towards her, and walk to her* shit!

Fiona: well well well, if it isn't nerdy Crystal!

Ghost Heart: *laughs* LOL!

Crystal: you know I wasn't doing anything, right?

Fiona: whatever, loser! If you didn't know, Ayana is coming back to school from her vacation to Paris, and is probably bringing back souvenirs!

Ghost Heart: I bet Updike will be thrilled to see his gf again! Heck, maybe she got a cool french language there in Paris!

Crystal: *thinking* why isn't Sarv back from her trip to Japan yet?! She would help me with these bullies!

Ayana: hey, girls!

Fiona and Ghost Heart: AYANA!

Updike: that's right, Ayana has returned! How was Paris, beloved?

Ayana: awesome! Here babe! *pulls out some chocolates* for you! *gives Fiona a French watch and Ghost Heart a burret* to my besties! *looks at Crystal, and looks on sweetly* oh, don't be sad, Crystal! I didn't forget you! Here, I got something for you too!

Crystal: *kinda suspicious* okay? What is it?

Ayana: *reaches into her bag* it a nice, lovely............ *puts a clump of mud on Crystal's face, and laughs* pile of mud! Wow, it goes perfectly with you!

Crystal: *frustrated, near tears* just leave me alone, Ayana!

Updike: *grabs Crystal by the throat* what did you say to my girlfriend?!

Crystal: *struggling to breathe* I......... I said......... *cough* ....... Please............... Let me.................. Go!

Ayana: let's leave her alive for next time, Updike!

Updike: fine. *lets her go* but just for now, freak kitty!

Fiona: you're never gonna fit in around this school!

Ghost Heart: nobody will ever love you!

Ayana: just kill yourself already! Nobody would miss you besides "miss god worshipper" and "shadowy lizard"!

Crystal: *walks down the hallways, mud still on her face* why do they have to be so mean to me? *tears appear in her eyes as she started to sing*

Note that I was too lazy to write the lyrics, so I'm doing something different. I'll write lyrics later in the story.

Crystal sighed as she looked at the picture of her, Shade, and Sarvente.

Crystal: I'll find whatever else is out there. I promise.

She was soon tapped on the shoulder. Turning around, she soon saw vice principal Dark Rose.

Dark Rose: I'm sorry to interrupt whatever you're doing, but can I bring you to Mephiles' office? You seem lost.

Crystal: oh, sure! *follows Dark Rose*

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