News from Mephiles

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Crystal and Dark Rose entered a pitch black office, where Crystal saw 2 hedgehogs, sitting at chairs. Crystal saw the 1st one; a green hedgehog with sunglasses. This was Scourge, Fiona's boyfriend.

Scourge: hey, loser! How's it goin?

Crystal: leave me alone, Scourge. *suddenly, she saw someone that made her head pound, rapidly. But in a bad way. There stood, a red hedgehog with massive claws and a scar on his eye. This was her ex boyfriend. This was the one who did horrible things to her, then cheated on her!*

Crystal: *scared* C- Crimson?!

Crimson: the one and only, Sparkles! Missed me?

Crystal: *traumatized*

Crimson: aw, that's pretty rude! I was only talking to you, and yet you don't talk to me! I'm so hurt! How could you?

Crystal: why are you here?

Scourge: principal Mephiles called us from class to discuss some serious matters.

Crystal: matters? For what?

Mephiles: for the friendship games. Now, let me explain why I called you all here. So, we all know that Scourge is fast enough to outrun a speeding cheetah, and Crimson here is cunning, and uses his brain to save his life from possible trouble.

Crystal: but why me? I'm not as fast as Scourge, nor cunning as *gulps* Crimson.

Scourge: damn right!

Crimson: yeah, you little pink cunt! You shouldn't have ended our love!

Crystal: *crying*

Mephiles: it's about this. *pulls out a folder, with the B.E.A (brain energy Academy) symbol on it.* I bet you'll be amazed to learn you were excepted into BEA, and I was thinking about letting you enter the program.

Crystal: oh! Thank you, Mr. Mephiles! *reaches for the folder, which Mephiles pulled away*

Mephiles: of course, I could just have it....... Denied. *Crystal looked in fear* so, what's it going to be?

Crystal: *sighs* alright. I'll do it, for BEA!

Mephiles: good.

Shade: *thinking, while spying on them* he's just trying to pressure her into joining the friendship games! I must protect her!

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