Cosmic Energy

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In the evening, Aang and Katara went walking on their own, exploring the deserted slopes around the temple. Aang was tired from his lessons with Zuko, but he wanted to make sure to have some time alone with Katara. It was the first chance they'd had since the invasion.

"'s firebending?" Katara began. Aang could detect the hint of disapproval in her tone.

"You don't like him," he said, not answering the question. Katara had not spoken to Zuko all day, except for her question about Iroh. She had seemed to regret even that and had studiously avoided him ever since.

"Like him?" Katara looked and sounded as though Aang had just made the most preposterous suggestion she'd ever heard. "I don't think I'll ever like him, but that's not the point. I don't trust him, Aang. He's not a steady character. He'll move to whichever side will give him the most advantage."

Aang mulled this over. As far as he could tell, this was the first time Zuko had truly changed allegiances. While he didn't know all of Zuko's reasons for this and wasn't aware of the details of his departure, Aang sensed that his desire to help them was genuine. On the other hand, it didn't hurt to be wary at this stage.

"Well, I need him right now, no matter what his motives are," he decided aloud. "We talked a little during my lessons, and...his life hasn't been that easy, either."

"I've been down this road before," Katara pointed out, moving away angrily. "He actually got me to feel sympathy for him...and it blew up in my face!"

"Katara," Aang said softly, coming up behind her. "He wasn't the one who struck me down. It was Azula."

"But he chose to fight with her!"

"I know, and we may never understand his reasons for that. But would you want to be held responsible for everything Sokka does?"

"My brother would never do anything like that!" Katara objected hotly.

"Of course not," Aang responded imperturbably. "Sokka is brave and loyal, and I couldn't ask for a better friend. That's not what I asked you. I know you don't always agree with him. So what I'm saying is, would you want to be judged based on everything he's ever done?"

"I suppose not," she conceded reluctantly. "Remember Kyoshi Island?"

"Yes, I remember," Aang smiled faintly when he recalled how Sokka had insulted the island's warriors, forcing Katara to step in to prevent all three of them from being thrown to the Unagi. "Now, your brother is a very good person, generally, but you admit that he sometimes does things you don't want to be associated with. Imagine how much harder it must be for someone whose father and sister are...are..." Aang floundered, uncertain how to finish that sentence.

"Megalomaniac psychopaths?" Katara supplied helpfully. Aang half smiled and shrugged, and Katara laughed. "You're too generous, Aang, but I see what you mean."

"Besides, I can't help thinking the results in Ba Sing Se would have been pretty much the same with or without Zuko," Aang went on.

"He slowed us down!" Katara argued. "If had just been Azula, we might have gotten away."

"I've replayed things a lot of times since I woke up, and if there's one thing I learned about Azula during the eclipse, it's that she's always two or three steps ahead of us. She doesn't leave anything to chance, and I have to think that would include Zuko's involvement."

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