The Rescue

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Sokka paced impatiently as he waited for Toph and Katara to return from their scouting mission. He hadn't even been able to eat any lunch, which was a testament to the degree of his agitation. Everyone still hidden in the tunnel was leaving him alone after he'd snapped at them a couple of times. Everyone, that is, except Momo, who for some reason was scampering after Sokka's feet as he walked back and forth.

Finally, the two girls reappeared in the small cave opening Toph had created for them. To Sokka's surprise, they were both smiling in a conspiratorial manner. He hated when people did that, especially girls. Especially these two girls.

"Well?" he demanded as they unloaded the food supplies they'd bought while in the town. "Are they there? How is she? What kind of building? How many guards? Tell me everything!"

"We will, Snoozles, but we can only answer one question at a time," Toph shot back as she flopped down on the ground. The smirk hadn't left her face. "Your girlfriend's there."

"She and the other Kyoshi Warriors seem fine," Katara jumped in when it didn't look like Toph was going to add any more detail. "I was able to catch a glimpse of a couple of them through a window."

"They've lost a little weight, but they're moving around all right," Toph added.

"That's good," Sokka said, relieved. He'd come up with several options for carrying sick or weakened warriors, but things would be much easier if they could all walk or run on their own. Even better if they could actually fight, but he wasn't expecting miracles. He listened carefully as Toph and Katara told him every detail about the town and the prison. Unfortunately, the prison was right in the middle of the colony, so they'd have to pass all kinds of buildings and guard stations going in and, more importantly, getting out.

"If I may make a suggestion," said Iroh. When Sokka nodded to him, he continued. "I think we should plan to enter from this direction and go out the opposite side." Sokka chewed his lip as he thought this idea over.

"It means more people might see us," he warned, absently stroking Momo's ears.

"Yes, but if we manage to get away before anyone notices, the guards on this side will tell anyone who asks that they saw a group of strangers enter near them," Zuko contributed. "They'll assume that we left the same way, which could gain us some time."

"It would also help us move towards Ba Sing Se," Katara agreed. Sokka considered some more. It had risks, especially if they were followed too closely and the Fire Nation guessed where they were headed. Still, if Toph punched a new opening and sealed the rock behind them, it should be safe enough, and he did like the idea of being beyond the town when this was over.

"Okay, we'll do it that way," he concluded. "We'll have to tunnel ahead today and mark out our escape point."

"As long as Twinkle-toes can keep Appa and Momo over there," Toph added. Most of the group looked at her blankly, but then Sokka understood.

"Right," he agreed. "We can't have them flying around after us. They'll have to wait over there."

"They'll listen to me," Aang said confidently. "But I have another question. What are we going to do with the Kyoshi Warriors after we rescue them?"

"What do you mean?" Sokka frowned. They would join them, of course.

"Well, right now, we're walking, so there's no problem," Aang tried to explain himself. "But eventually, we'll want to fly again. There are - what, six warriors besides Suki? Appa can't possibly carry that many people, at least not for very long."

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