Another Coronation

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The next day passed quickly as the various preparations for the coronation were completed. Zuko had decided to hold a feast after the ceremony, which meant additional food to be brought in and temporary cooks and servers hired. He and Aang had also arranged for the belongings of the prisoners from The Day of Black Sun to be delivered to the palace so that those people would have decent clothing to wear for the occasion.

By the evening, Zuko was so tired that he hoped he would wake up in time to be crowned. Of course, he had tasked a servant with making sure that he would, but it was one among many little worries that had descended upon his brain, demanding attention. What if he tripped over his robe? What if the people didn't accept him? What if they hurled insults and vegetables? Or stormed the palace?

Thinking beyond tomorrow, there were even more concerns. For example, there were many Fire Nation prisoners that Aang's friends had not freed, both in the capital city and beyond. Zuko would need to review those cases to determine whether they had been unjustly punished. He had no doubt that there were real criminals in his country, but he was also aware that many people who'd been incarcerated were simply unfortunate common folk who'd had the audacity to speak out against his father's policies. Then there were the soldiers and sailors that would have to be recalled and more recent colonists to re-settle somewhere.

Zuko groaned, holding his head in his hands as he sat on a chair in his room. He really should leave all of these things for another day, but he couldn't seem to stop thinking about them. Rising, he decided to visit his mother.

She'd taken her enforced solitude in stride, but that was probably made easier by the fact that she had already been in exile for several years. He tapped on the door, and Chief Hakoda answered it, ushering Zuko in when he recognized him.

Due to the secrecy surrounding her presence, no one could be posted outside the door, which had necessitated someone staying in Lady Ursa's sitting room. Zuko was pleased that Hakoda had really followed through on his promise to see to her safety personally.

His mother was seated calmly in a padded chair, appearing as serene as she had ever been. Her graying hair hung loose, and she brushed it out as though preparing for bed.

"You should be getting some rest," she admonished her son, but her smile indicated that she was happy to see him.

"I will soon," he promised. "I just wanted to see you first. Are you okay?"

"To be honest, I am a little nervous about being presented formally tomorrow. Are you sure it's appropriate?"

"Absolutely sure. Besides, I need you beside me." Zuko paused. "I'm nervous, too."

"Just remember who you are, and everything will be fine."

Zuko grunted, thinking that knowing who he was had long been his problem. He looked around the guest quarters she'd been assigned. The room still had the air of being vacant; his mother hadn't made a mark on them yet.

"Will you move back into your old rooms?" he asked idly.

"Actually, I was thinking I could just stay here." She waited until he returned his gaze to her and then looked him straight in the eyes. "The Lady Mother suite is so far from everything, and my old rooms should be reserved for the new Firelady."

"Oh, not you, too!" Zuko groaned, sinking into a chair opposite her.

"Me too?" his mother raised a delicate eyebrow.

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