Sozin's Comet

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For Toph, it was a very lonely ride back to her hometown after the wedding feast was over and Sokka and Suki had departed to do what newly married couples often do when they're alone.

First of all, she had no way of measuring their progress, so the time just ticked by in unbroken monotony. She could sort of tell the hours by the angle of the sun's warmth, and there were periodic breaks for food and bodily functions (during which she often wanted to swear she would never fly again), but that was all.

Secondly, only Aang and his two animal companions were on this journey, and since Aang had to direct Appa, Toph could hear only the wind in her ears and feel only the bison beneath her. Once in a while, Momo would curl up in her lap for a nap, and that was comforting.

At last, Aang announced that they were right above the Bei Fong manor and set them down in the garden. Not unexpectedly, guards were waiting. It was really pretty ridiculous, when you thought about it. Did they really think their spears and mediocre earthbending abilities were going to have any effect upon the Avatar who had just defeated the Firelord and saved the world?

"I come in peace?" Aang tried hopefully, and Toph couldn't help but snort. She experienced a flash of memory of their first meeting, when he'd said he didn't want to fight her.

"Just let me get down from this thing," Toph complained, levering herself cautiously over the saddle edge. At least, now that Appa was touching the ground, she could feel vibrations through his body if she concentrated hard enough. She clambered down a leg, feeling hands grasp her as she reached the ground. As soon as she was steady on her feet, however, they let her go.

"You're both coming to see the master and mistress," said one of the guards unnecessarily.

"Well, that was sort of the idea of coming here," Toph snapped irritably. "I hope you don't mind if I stop off for a pee first. We've been flying for hours." There was a brief silence, except for a strange noise from Aang that might have been a muffled giggle.

"Of - of course, miss," stammered the other guard, sounding confused. Toph smirked. That was exactly the way she wanted them. The house guards and her parents might be expecting to have control of this situation, but she intended to be in charge every moment.

"You know, I don't really have to be here for this," Aang attempted to excuse himself from the proceedings. "Maybe I should-"

"Don't even think about it, Twinkle-toes." He wasn't getting out of this that easily. Although Toph would never say that she needed someone else, especially him, there was no way she was walking into her parents' reception hall alone. If nothing else, she needed a witness who could tell everyone else what happened.

Finally, at the time of her choosing, Toph and Aang were ushered into her parents' presence. Aang attempted what felt like a very awkward bow, but Toph just stood there, chin up, waiting. Mom spoke first.

"Toph!" she exclaimed in a combination of relief and astonishment that sounded dreadfully overdone. She'd probably been practicing ever since the bison was spotted. "We are so relieved to see you back, safe and sound."

"We didn't know what to think when Master Yu and Xin Fu returned empty-handed," Dad added. "They returned all of our money except what they'd spent on expenses and said it wasn't worth it. What happened to them?"

"Simple," Toph shrugged, affecting nonchalance even as she relished telling this story. "I sealed them into the metal box they used to trap me. They really aren't very bright, you know." She paused, then continued thoughtfully. "Maybe I should thank them, though. If it hadn't been for them, I might never have figured out how to metalbend."

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