13 : because of this one girl

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thomas couldn't sleep again after hayley left, so he walked around his room anxiously waiting for something to happen.

were they going to send people for him or does he go to the room where the swipe happens without waiting for them? he groaned and walked out of the room, too stressed to stay there any longer.

he knew what he needed to do now.


"mary?" thomas called out to the computer screen. "mary, are you there?"

the screen was frozen on a picture of Mary, a former WICKED scientist. he told her things he knew would get him in trouble but he didn't care. he needed to do something and time ran out for him to do it.

"i needed to do it," he whispered to convince himself. he needed to do it for hayley, chuck, newt, minho, alby and all the others who are apart of the blueprint.

he heard footsteps coming down the stairs leading into the basement where he was sitting with a laptop. he cancelled the video call, and quickly emailed the information for all the WICKED labs, bases, and warehouses to her.

he cleared the history and turned it off before sliding it under a couple of old boxes.

"thomas," teresa appeared out of the shadows and looked at him concerned. "what's wrong?"

he stared at her in shock, knowing he compromised everything she's worked for, what they worked for all those years.

he heard more footsteps running down the stairs. it sounded like a whole group of people, 5 maybe 10.

he ran over to teresa and pulled her behind a wall, hidden from them. "whatever they tell you about me, whatever they say i want you to know i had to do it. okay?" he said urgently.

her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open in shock and confusion. "what did you do?"

the footsteps reached the basement and were now running around, searching for him. "i just couldn't keep watching them die," he said.

a guard came running around the corner where they were standing and instantly called out to the others, "i found him!"

a second guard reached them and the two of them grabbed thomas's arms and pinned them behind his back. he stared at teresa, hoping someday she would forgive him for what he just did.

"wait! i'm talking to him!" she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. "thomas, what did you do? tell me!"

"i'm sorry," he said lastly before he was pulled away.


his eyes opened slowly as he began to regain consciousness.

his field of vision was limited and everything was blurry, making it hard for him to see the things around him. a blurry figure stood beside him and he turned his head to the side so he could focus on the person.

despite not being able to see very well, he recognized the shapes of the face and came to the conclusion that the figure beside him was janson.

he bent down so his face was inches away from thomas's and said, "tell us what you were doing secretly in the basement and we won't send you to the maze."

thomas laughed in his head, calling janson's bluff. even if he did tell them what he did, they wouldn't just not send him to the maze, they would kill him.

janson stood up and said something to the guard, something thomas couldn't quite make out.

then, a few minutes later the guard rolled in a metal gurney and pushed it up against his.

thomas strained his eyes to focus on the person beside him. once he realized it was hayley, his head was filled with his screams.

her eyes were closed and her head was facing his. her lips were a pale blue, and no longer held the smile he loved so much. he couldn't think straight and bad thoughts began rushing through his mind like a tornado. she's dead...

he used the last bit of strength he had to roll his head to the other side so he wouldn't have to look at the girl who made him ... him, now a corpse.

"what do you think he did?" someone asked. thomas didn't recognize the voice.

"i don't know," janson replied. "but we know someone was hacking into our websites. there was no sign of a computer in the basement but i'm sure it was him. he hasn't been on our side lately, because of this one girl."

he heard more shuffling feet, then a sharp pain in his arm. eventually, he fell asleep.

hayley isn't dead. thomas just thinks she is because he's a little delusional from the medication they gave him. also, he betrayed wicked, a legend? a legend.

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