chapter 1

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Angel was flying around in the woods. She was a beautiful blue dragon that lived in the forest near the kingdom. Toga ran around the kingdom bored "argh there isn't anything fun to do around here!" Angel started to fly over the woods so that everyone could see her. Toga heard people screaming and would look up "finaly something interesting." Angel quickly hid again in the woods and went to sleep. Toga would sneak out of the castle and would follow the dragon trying to see what it was doing. Angel slept peacefully for some minutes. Toga would end up losing the dragon and would look around not knowing where she was. Angel heard noises and woke up. She started to follow the noises and saw a cute girl. Toga would start to get a little scared and would start running not knowing where she was going. "Wait! I'm not hurting you!" Angel turned into human form and ran after the girl. Toga would fall down and rip her dress as she curled up into a ball and cried. Angel picked the girl up and smiled. "I see you need help with this. I can repair your dress and clean your wounds." Toga would look at her and wipe her tears still slightly crying. Angel held her close to her chest. "Shhh... I'm not hurting you Sweety...." "Y-you promise?" She would say a little scaredAngel smiled and nodded. "Yes Princess Toga!" "Please call me toga" she would smile and wipe her eyes. Angel nodded and turned into her dragon form, flying to her home. Toga would shut her eyes a little scared and would lean into her embrace. Angel arrived at her hole and layed Toga on a comfortable bed. "My name is angel and I will heal you and fix your dress but you need to get undressed for that..." she turned into human form and blushed deeply.

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