chapter 8

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Angel got dressed in the dress and ran after Toga. "Mommy waitttttt!" She would wait for her and would smile "yes?" Angel grabbed Toga's hand and smiled. "Cuddle time?" She would smile and pull her into a embrace "this better?" Angel nodded and purred. "I like this..." She would smile and grab Angel's ass "glad you do"Angel bit her lip. "My ass big enough for you?~" She would giggle a little "very much so~" Angel smiled and shook her ass. "All yours Mommy~ You can make it clap!~" She would smirk and would look around "got to be careful I don't want anyone else seeing you shake your ass for them" Angel nodded and quickly went in Toga's room. "I wanna cuddle now!" "So demanding~" she would smile and walk into her room waving for the gard to go away. Angel smiled and made grabby hands. She would smile and go and cuddle her. Angel cuddled in her and made cute noises. "Awwww~~" she would smile and hold her close as she slowly fell asleep. Angel purred and fell asleep in her arms. Toga would fall into a deep sleep and would hold angel close. Angel woke up on the next day. Toga would still be asleep and would slightly snore. Angel looked at Toga and smiled brightly. She was still asleep and would be a little wet as she moaned softly. Angel turned red and rubbed against her. Toga whispered angels name as she was in a deep sleep. Angel blushed and softly kissed her lips .She would blush and would wake up slightly. Angel kept kissing her. She would kiss back blushing a deep red "i-is something wrong?" Angel giggled. "You moaned my name!" Blushes a deep red "i-" was all she could say. Angel giggled and kissed her with tongue. Toga would blush a deep red and would allow her to explore her mouth with her tongue. Angel moved her hand down and slipped her hand into Toga's pantie as she started fingering her.

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