chapter 2

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Toga would blush a little and would cross her arms "how do I know you aren't going to rap me?" Angel chuckled cutely. "I don't even know what raping is sweety." Toga would blush deeply looking down and getting undressed. Angel watched her, no she stared at her while biting her lip. "W-Wow.... I never saw someone that is so pretty." Toga would blush and would cover parts of herself as best as she could "s-shut up okay... your lucky I agree to do this..." Angel smiled. "You can wash yourself and your wound in the lake over there". Toga would blush a little and walk over there taking her hair out and dipping her toe into the water. Angel smiled and started to fix toga's dress. "It's clean and warm. Thrust me!" Toga would slowly get in and would sigh happily and would go under the water and wet her hair.

Angel finished fixing the dress after 20 minutes. She grabbed some flower sticker and put them on the dress.She would come up from the water flicking her hair out of her face and would rest her hands on her neck. Angel smiled and went over, putting her hands on Toga's body and started to heat up her hands. She would blush a little and would yelp a little not realising that she had touched her and would covered herself. Angel smirked and growled softly in her ear, drying Toga off with a fluffy towel. She would cover her face and would blush a deep red "w-what are you doing?" Angel smiled. "I get you dressed!" She quickly dressed Toga and put her hair into a braided ponytail. As she felt angles fingers through her hair she slightly shivered loving the feeling of her hair bing pulled and played with. Angel finished and smiled. "You look perfect Princess!" Toga would cross her arms and would blush looking away.

my little dragon (Stopped)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin