Chapter 4: Break ups and Making love.

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{One month later}

{Joeys Pov}

I heard the door open and close. Daniel was home from work! We were barely home together at the same time when it wasn't night or weekends. So okay, we were with each other for a decent amount of time. But not long enough.

I leaned on the bedroom door frame, trying my best to be sexy, I guess. He smiled at me from down the hall and made his way to me.

Daniel: My boy.

He said and held me by the waist and kissed my lips. I kissed back and wrapped my hands around his neck.

Joey: So Daddy's- I mean, Danny's home now.

Daniel smiled at me and blushed an nodded.

Daniel: What's gotten into you?

I kissed his neck softly.

Joey: I missed you so much.

Daniel: Uh-huh.

I pulled away and grabbed his hands in mine, intertwining our fingers. I looked at him with a small smile. He was so beautiful, his face looked sculpted perfectly by gods. He smiled back down at me.

Joey: I want you to be my first.

Daniel looked down at the ground and back at me, with worry in his eyes.

Daniel: I don't know, Joey. I don't wanna loose you. I'm afraid you'll hate me.

Joey: Why would I?

Daniel shook his head and bit his lip. I grabbed his face gently in my hands.

Joey: Hey, Hey- I'm not leaving you anytime soon. I trust you with my life, Daniel.

Daniel: Um, yeah. Okay.

Daniel picked me up by my waist and led me into our bedroom, closing the door behind him.

He set me down gently on my back and start to kiss my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let them play with his hair.

Joey: I love you so much.

I whispered and let my mouth hang open and my eyes squeeze shut as he kissed and sucked hickeys into my neck.

Daniel: I love you so much too.

He said with tears in his eyes. I kissed him gently.

Joey: We're gonna be okay, okay? We're okay.

I kissed him again an he nodded. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it over his head, and lifted my back off the soft mattress so he could pull mine off too.

He kissed down my body until he reached my pants. He unbottoned them quickly and gently pulled them all the way down my legs, and I kicked them off ankle by ankle, and they landed right off the mattress. I unbottoned his less majestically, and eventually got them off of him. He continued to kiss around my body.

{Shane's Pov}

Lisa: Shane, we should go out on a date or something! Do you always just sit on the couch?

I rolled my eyes. In all honesty, I wanted to get up too. I wanted to go out and do things and not look like I was as lazy as I am. But I couldn't deny that all I could do lately was sit on the sofa, stare into space, and think about the dirty blonde rebellious boy who moved to town a little over a month ago, and how he was living with it. I would sometimes find myself thinking about what'd it be like to kiss him, or even kiss it again. But then I feel the shocking pain in my hands like I did on that tortuous day, and I'm forcefully shoved back into heterosexuality.

I stared down at my pitiful hands, and didn't realize Lisa was staring down at me until she cleared her throat to get my attention.

Lisa: What is with you and your stupid hands? I would believe your story about the car thing if you weren't always so caught up in your hands.

Shane: The memory hurts them, okay?

Lisa: The memory of what? The memory of fixing a car could not possibly still make your hands hurt after six years.

Shane: Maybe it wasn't a car accident. Maybe it was Barbwire.

Lisa rolled her eyes.

Lisa: Another lie. When are you going to stop lying to me?

I sat up on the couch.

Shane: The day I stop lying to myself will be the day I stop lying to everyone else.

Lisa just ignored that.

Lisa: How can Barbwire possibly do something like that to your hands?

Shane: Maybe when there is a car generator battery plugged in at the end.

Lisa looked at me, and for on e I think she believed me.

Lisa: Why would you do that to yourself?

She asked sympathetically, placing her hand on my shoulder.

Shane: I didn't do it to myself!

I was about to start crying. I didn't do it to myself. I didn't do any of this myself. This is the way I was made, it's in my blood and it can't be healed and I can't force it out of me or pray it away.

Shane: Look, Lisa.

I took her hand off my shoulder.

Shane: I think I need to be with myself. From here on out. I'm sorry.

She looked like she was gonna cry, but she nodded.

Lisa: I understand. I'll move back in with my sister tomorrow, I suppose. I don't guess that when you find yourself you'll be coming back to me.

I shook my head. When I find myself, I probably won't be going back to any girls.

A tear rolled down her cheek and I pulled her into a hug.

Shane: I'm really sorry.

Lisa shook her head and pulled away from me.

Lisa: I understand. We should stay in touch.

She gave me a sad smile.

Shane: We should.

She grabbed her keys and phone and headed out the door.

Lisa: I'll be back to pack soon. I'm just gonna go clear my head.

I fell asleep on the couch later that day, and by the time I woke up for work the next morning, she was gone and all that was left was a note with a heart on it, and her number to hang out again sometime.

{Joeys Pov}

I woke up for work and smiled happily remembering the night before. I'd have to clean the sheets though.

I woke up to clean sheets, a clean room, a note, and no Daniel.

Joey: Daniel?

I called out, before picking up the note.

Only "I'm sorry" was written on it.

I felt my heart beat quickly and I ran out of the room, pulling on my boxers quickly.

Joey: Daniel?!?

I called out through the house. He wasn't in the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom, the guest room.


A lot of his stuff was gone too.

He left me.

I ran out to the front yard in just my boxers, which was a terrible decision made out of stupid worry.

Of course his truck was gone. He left without leaving a trace. How could I have not known?

Now I was going to cry.

I walked back in on the couch, grabbed on of the pillows, and did exactly that.

I texted Luke telling him why I couldn't come into work today. I repeatedly try to text Daniel, but he wasn't answering to anything. I felt like my heart had just bursts out of my chest.

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