Chapter 8: What do you possibly want?

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{Shane's Pov}

I wake up and Joey's asleep on my chest. Something felt right for once, like I was put in place.

I decided to make breakfast for him, since it was going to be way too damn difficult to figure out how his shower works and try to get warm water for him.

I walked into the kitchen, and Joeys phone was ringing.

Shane: Joey?

I called out to him, and the call ended.

6 miss calls from an unknown location.

The next time it rang I answered it.

Shane: Hello?

I struggled but managed to say as I juggled the pancake mix, the phone, and milk at the same time. I set the ingredients on the counter.

???:Is Joey there?

Shane: Who is this?

???: His boyfriend.

Daniel? Did he really think they were still dating?

Shane: Don't flatter yourself like that.

I said and mixed up the pancake mix and milk in a bowl.

Daniel: Who is this?

Shane: His boyfriend.

I smiled and leaned back against the counter. I heard Daniel gulp loudly.

Daniel: And who would that be?

Shane: You would like it if I told you, huh? But no thanks. We're keeping it on the down low for now.

I heard whispers in the background and didn't know who it was or if it was just me.

Shane: Who's with you?


Daniel: No one. Look, if you know what's best for all of us, you'll tell me your name.

Shane: But here's the problem- I don't like talking with walking Douche bags. So I'm gonna go now. I think I know what's best for myself.

More movement in the background.

Shane: Who the fuck are you with?

Daniel: Look, Shane. Hell is approaching you, if you don't get the fuck out of where you are.

Shane: I don't know what that means, but I guess that's two then.

Daniel: Three, if you count Joey.

His voice cracked. Was he crying?

Shane: I gotta go. Nice talk.

And I hung up, not wanting to hear anymore.

Joey walked in ten minutes later, leaning against his doorframe down the hallway, rubbing his eyes and standing in his cute little boxers.

Shane: Hungry?

I asked as I peeled the sixth and final pancake off the plate.

Joey: Yes, please. I haven't had a decent breakfast outside the coffee house in what seems like forever.

I smiled and Joey sat down on one of his bar stools. I sat down on one beside him.

I didn't know whether to tell him about the strange phone call with Daniel. But I didn't want to bring up Daniel at all, because I didn't want to draw back anymore hurt to Joey.

I grabbed the butter and syrup from the fridge and grabbed the orange juice too. By the time I sat down again Joey had already scarfed down half of one of his pancakes, dry.

Shane: You're weird.

I chuckled at him as I handed him one of the bottles of orange juice.

Joey shook his head as he drank from it.

Joey: Not weird. Just hungry.

He winked at me and poured syrup on his pancake as I spread butter across from mine.

Joey: It feels nice having you around. I feel safe with you.

I smiled back at Joey and took a bite of my butter wasted and syrup drowned pancake.

And I watched my hands. I studied each line on my hands as if I hadn't studied the black and blue and green and purple of them 100 times before. My hands weren't betraying me for now, and it made me... Happy. I had control over my life now. For now. So I stared at them until I felt Joey take my right hand in his syrup-y hands.

I looked up at him and he was still eating his pancakes, using his other hand to hold the fork.

Joey: Your hands are beautiful.

Joey said to me, and I believed it. Because he didn't even have to look up and give me a sympathetic glance or tell me to stop looking at them. He was only aware of the burden I carried on my wrists and reminded me that 'Hey, I love you no matter what.'

It was an extreme feeling to feel considering I had only been boyfriends with him for less than 24 hours, but I had a special place in my rather cold heart for him. And it felt warm. I grabbed his chin in my other hand and pulled his head towards me.

Shane: You do something weird to me, you know?

Joey giggled.

Joey: No, if you hadn't pointed it out I wouldn't have even noticed.

Shane: Not that!

Joey and I both laughed.

Shane: You- You make my heart warm. You set it on fire.

Joey smiled and pushed his lip against mine. He held my hands tightly in his and they were numb and I couldn't feel anything.

I could only taste the butter on his lips and smile to myself because he was a bit messy but very cute.

A lot of people say feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all.

In my case, I beg to differ.

Because to feel nothing at all in my hands was what I had wanted for six years.

{A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. I don't feel like talking.}

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