Chapter 7: He spoke up

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{Joeys Pov}

No. No. It all made sense now. Daniel having the same scars on his hands, Daniel being beat up, and mostly why Daniel left me.

Joey: Wait. Daniel left me because you left him six years ago?

I asked, my voice cracking.

Shane: We were stupid and not careful, Joey. I'm sorry if you're mad at me.

I shook my head.

Joey: I'm not mad. I'm happy you told me this.

A tear ran down my cheek. It seemed all I ever did lately was cry, and I couldn't remember a more depressing time in my life than these last months.

Shane: Hey, hey. Joey. It- Daniel, didn't deserve you. You're such an amazing person and he's an asshole for being scared and running off after you guys had sex. What was he afraid of? Someone taping you guys?

I nodded and closed my eyes. Shane's hand pressed to my cheek, and then was pulled away seconds later. I opened my eyes and he was grabbing his right hand in his left one, and he was in pain.

Shane: I'm sorry. It just burns. It burns to touch you.

Shane bit his lip and looked down.

Shane: I wish I could touch you forever.

Shane was looking down at his hands which were pulsing.

Joey: I- I wouldn't ever mind.

I told him and he looked up at me. He looked so sad in such a happy little coffee shop. I felt terrible.

Shane stared back at me.

Luke: Guys, come on. Get back to work.

Luke said casually and Shane looked away.

Shane: Yeah, alright.

Joey: My place after this, all right?

I asked and Shane smiled.

Shane: I'd love that.

We got back to doing our jobs and I couldn't help but think of everything Shane had told me. It was all so horrible and I just wish I could fix him somehow. But heck, I can't even fix myself.

When work finally ended, Shane and I walked out together, hands in our pockets.

Joey: We can just go in my car, if you wanna spend the night or something.

I suggested.

Shane nodded.

Shane: Yeah, that'd be cool.

We got into my car and I drove carefully down the slippery road.

Joey: Why didn't you ever tell anyone what they did to you?

Shane shook his head.

Shane: I didn't want them to know I was gay. They said they were only trying to help me- that Daniel was the cause of it.

Joey: I think you would've needed someone back then. Maybe you wouldn't be so pissed at the world now if you had someone to talk to back them.

I smiled as we pulled in to the drive way. Shane smiled and rolled his eyes.

He took my hand in his after I unbuckled my seat belt.

Shane: Yeah. Maybe having someone like you in my life wouldn't be so bad.

He intertwined our fingers and everything happened slowly. Shane leaned in and our lips touched gently. He squeezed my hand and pushed our lips together harder, probably going through hell just to kiss me- just so we could be close.

His lips felt soft and i kissed him back. I felt his tongue slip into my mouth and I couldn't believe what was happening. He kissed me so beautifully and I was in a daze. I hadn't kissed anyone in what seemed like forever.

Shane slowly pulled away and took his hands back. He ran his fingers over the scars on his hands.

Joey: What's wrong? Did it hurt?

Shane just stared at his hands in amazement. He looked back up at me with a look that was suspectful but happy.

Shane: No. It didn't hurt at all.

I grabbed his hand and kissed it.

Joey: Wanna go inside?

Shane: Yeah, okay.

We walked inside and I took off my jacket, and Shane took off his.

I went to grab a wine bottle from the fridge and brought back a glass for both Shane and I with the red wine in it.

Joey: Is 8pm too early for drinking?

I chuckled as I set the drinks on the coffee table. Shane smiled and shook his head.

Shane: I think it's just about the right time.

I sat on the couch beside Shane, and his hand settled on my knee.

Joey: So... What are we?

Shane thought for a second, and lifted the wine glass to his lips.

Joey: Are we like, boyfriends?

Shane set his glass on the table and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

Shane: Yeah, okay. Boyfriends.

I smiled at him and he winked back at me. I turned on the T.V and cuddled into his chest.

Joey: Wanna borrow some pajamas?

I asked him while walking to my bedroom.

Shane: Yeah. That'd be great.

I handed him some pajamas bottoms.

Joey: You could sleep in my bed with me if you want or-

Shane: Yeah, that'd be great too.

I blushed and crawled into bed when I got into my night clothes. Shane crawled beside me, his flannel pajama bottoms and bare chest.

Shane: Goodnight.

He sighed happily as I turned off the lamp on the bedside table.

Joey: Goodnight.

I said back and laid my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

Shane: I love you.

He said, and I whispered it back. I was the one who felt sparks flying through my body now, but the good kind.

{A/N: Sorry the chapter is so short I just really wanted to update this story.}

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