Chapter 6:

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{A/N: If you didn't know, I'm gender fluid and pansexual (closeted lol) but it's like the worst thing ever having a boy day and being on your period >.< it's not fair. But it's the price I must pay for being the most attractive boy in my school (;}

{Joeys Pov}

Two weeks after Daniels disappearance, I'm back on my normal schedule at work, no longer missing random days that I just don't feel happy enough on.

On the weird side, Shane and I were talking. Like friends would talk to each other.

Joey: Two Carmel cappuccinos extra whip.

I said as I handed two guys their drinks over the counter.

They said "Thanks" and went to sit down. Shane came over to me and started working beside me.

Shane: Hey Joey.

He said happily as he got out a Danish from the mini oven.

Joey: Hey Shane.

I smiled at him and started pulling the old receipts from the cash register and refilling it with paper. It was a big crowd today.

Luke: You guys can take break.

Luke called out to us from the table e was cleaning off. I whispered a thank to god and pulled off my apron for lunch break, and Shane followed.

A grown man whispered "That's a shame" at the news cast. I look up to see what he's talking about.


The lady talked on about how he was basically fried from the inside out. It made my stomach turn.

I looked at Shane, who was standing right beside me, and he was shaking uncontrollably. His fist tightened together and he bit his lip.

I looked at the news on the television as they started showing side effects of it. Shane turned the television off then.

I looked at Shane and he casually shrugged.

Shane: We shouldn't be watching something so sad.

I nodded and mouthed 'okay' and grabbed my pack lunch and sat across a small coffee table from Shane.

Joey: So, tell me about yourself, Mr.Dawson .

I said and leaned back in my chair. Shane rolled his eyes and smiled.

Shane: I have lived here all my life. I grew up with my mom, dad, and two brothers. Strict rules. Taught "family values" and such.

Joey: Okay. Anything exciting in those teenage years?

Shane looked like he was remembering something, and shook his head.

Shane: I had friends, and they tried to help me as much as they could.

Joey: Help?

I asked, curious about what he meant by that. Shane looked down at his hands which were open and palm up on the table.

Shane: You know, like homework and chores and normal teenage stuff.

He made a loose fist with his hands and stuffed them in his pockets.

Shane: Enough about me. What have you done all your life?

Joey: Well, I lived with my family in California up until a couple months ago. My sister and mom mainly, dad on the weekends. Mom was cep ting enough, my sister supportive, and my dad was eh, but never bullied me about it. They knew I got enough of that crap at school. I can still taste the metal of the locker door being slammed into my face and see the sympathetic eyes of the nurse wondering why I'm having to be sent home early twice in one week.

I just smiled and shrugged and crossed my arms across my chest.

It was all in the past now.

Shane: How'd you meet, uh, him?

Shane swallowed whatever was in his mouth and I knew who e was talking about. Daniel.

Joey: Oh, him? We met over a video chat. Him and Luke were buddies for a while back when they were seventeen. Luke and I were buddies, so I met him one time. He was pretty beat up in the face, and had stitches, so I can't say I instantly fell for his looks. He told me about getting beat up by a couple of guys and getting out of a bad relationship... I guess that was you?

Shane nodded and his eyes looked like he saw the dead.

Shane: Yeah.

A thought came to my mind and I leaned over the table to look closely at Shane.

Joey: Can you tell me who those guys were that beat him up so badly he went to the hospital?

Shane's voice cracked and his voice was sour. He stared down at his feet.

Shane: Yeah. Let me talk to you about it.

{A/N: Sorry this is a really short chapter I wanted to update.}

Boyfriends.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora