Chapter 5: Wrong foot.

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{Shane's Pov}

I walk into the coffeehouse, and put on my apron. It's not as busy today, because it's a Sunday morning, and god forbid anyone who's not working on Sunday not go to church.

Shane: Hey, Luke.

I said to him, he was wiping off counters and tables and polishing the leather chairs.

I grabbed some wood from beside the fireplace and threw it in, and lit a fire inside. We had heat and all, the fire was mainly for the aroma.

Luke: Guess which two workers will be working for three?

Luke said, looking up at me and i looked back at him. I sighed.

Shane: Why?

Luke stopped cleaning for a second and just kinda looked sad at me.

Luke: Daniel and Joey, they had been dating for over two years, mostly on the internet and costing every month or so, until Joey moved in with him two months ago.

I shuddered.

Shane: Yeah?

Luke sighed.

Luke: I'm not the one to say all the details on it, but something might've happened between Joey and Daniel, and Daniel left him with just a two worded note, if I recall correctly.

I stopped messing with the fire.

Shane: He- It's gone? Left?

Luke hesitantly nodded. I didn't know what to feel. I was supposed to feel happy. But i couldn't. I couldn't because I know Joey is heartbroken.

Shane: So what are we gonna do?

I asked him.

Luke: I'll cover for you if you go take these rolls to him.

Luke handed me a basket of bread rolls. What was this? Little red riding hood?

Luke: I'm low on gas and don't feel like heading ten miles out of town to the nearest decent gas station.

I held the rolls close to me.

Shane: Well, okay. I'll be back eventually, I guess.

Luke nodded and waved bye to me as I headed out the door.

{Joeys Pov}

It's currently been four hours since I noticed Daniel was gone. I slumped on my couch with the blanket wrapped around my shoulders, and I looked like the human form of a smushed burrito. My eyes were red and puffy, tissues scattered across the couch, a half drank cup of black coffee and titanic played on the screen. I stared blankly into space, wondering what I did to make him run. Why he was so uncomfortable with having sex with me- to being my first.

Joey: God he was my first.

I groaned and laid down fully in agony on the couch. I heard a knock on the door, and knew well it wasn't Daniel. He wouldn't knock if he could avoid catching someone with their dick in their hands. Trust me.

Joey: Come in...

I groaned and my face fell into the couch cushion, uninterested in whoever the fuck it was if it wasn't Daniel.

???: Very sexy.

Shane. I could tell by the mockery and the way he just kinda sets a whole new aroma in the room. A dramatic one, much. The air thickened and I lifted my face from the cushions, and we looked at each other, and his eyes fell sad.

Shane: Joey... Shit, have you been crying? I'm sorry. Shit.

Shane made his way over to the couch after setting something on my table.

He got on his knees in front of the couch, close to my face. His eyes were sympathetic, and made me think for a second that someone gave a damn about me.

Joey: Why do you care at all? Has my stupid choices and being gay and all that comes with it become your little game?

Shane: Fine, okay yeah. Well, um, uh...

Shane got up.

Shane: Have a nice day. Feel better.

Before he could walk away, I grabbed his hand.

{Shane's Pov}

He grabbed my hand, and shocks went through my body. Electricity though my veins like the blood I thought as a waste to be in just a shell of someone who dreamed of being who they are. This touch was suppose to be asserted with pain, that was the plan. And it hurt a little. The electricity burned through my bones but feeling this was better than feeling the emptiness I have felt for so long. I felt something.

Joey: Don't leave, please.

Joey voice dragged in my ears and I nodded. He released my hand and my body settled again. My bones seemed to stiffen and Joey sat up on the couch, and looked up at me.

Joey: Can I tell you something, you might feel grossed out or whatever.

He was classifying me as homophobic. Me. Homophobic.

Shane: Sure.

I sat down beside him and he leaned his face in his hands.

Joey: Daniel and I... We had sex last night, and this morning he left me with just a note and no reason.

Joeys body shook with the remembrance of it, probably.

I heard his voice crack deeply and realized he was trying not to cry.

Shane: Don't, don't cry. Please.

I was always awkward around people when they cried. I never knew what to say or do. I pulled Joey close to me and hugged him tightly.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me.

Joey: He was my first time and then he left me...

Joey sobbed. I couldn't keep lying. Not when Joey was like this.

Shane: Yours too?

Joey looked up at me. He wiped his eyes.

Joey: Daniel... He was your first time?

I nodded and was truly embarrassed with myself. I had loved him. But I was dragged out of that. And maybe I was the one to blame for Daniel running away from Joey after having sex.

Shane: I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm sorry.

I said and dug my face in Joeys hair, comforting him.

Joey: I'm sorry too.

We sat in silence for a couple minutes, with the exception of Joeys sniffles, and I held Joey.

Joey: Wait... But you're straight.

I shook my head.

Joey: Do other know you're not?

I shook my head again.

Shane: It's against my Christianity. Joey-

Joey was now... Kissing my neck?

Zaps with each one roared through my body.

Joeys fingers locked in my hair and I could swear I was static.

Joey: If god really hated you, why'd he make you so cute?

Joey asked and his hand slid up under my shirt. I pulled away and got up from the couch. My body was shocked. My nerves made my body numb and my hair on my body felt like it was sticking up at the ends. The waves of memory on my hands was now a dark dark purple, rather than a light blue. Joey looked up at me.

Shane: I really have to be heading up to the coffee shop. I'm sorry. We can maybe be friends.

Joey nodded with a quiet 'thanks and bye' and I left out the door.

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