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The following weeks Shoto and Katsuki met up, they played, talked, and had fun in general. Both boys could agree that whenever they were together they had the most fun.

They were inseparable and enjoyed each other's company. Weeks turned to months and they still met up at the treehouse although both boys thought the treehouse needed a little fixing.

"It needs more books," Shoto once commented. "Maybe even another bookshelf."

"No more books, we have enough already." The other scolded, "Maybe we should repaint it."

"Maybe," Shoto replied.

That same day they both came up with plans on how they'd get the supplies they needed for the treehouse. It was a lot, but with each of their allowances they could manage.

"Do you think aliens spy on us from above?" Shoto asked the following week, as they did homework.

"You're such an idiot, aliens don't exist."

"You didn't answer the question."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "They don't exist, therefore your stupid question is answered. No."

Shoto thought for a moment. "You know what I think you have?"

"Don't care, don't wanna know."

"You have zero imagination."

"No, you just have a lot of it."

Shoto looked over at the blonde, "Sometimes imagination helps, it creates an escape when you need it, whenever and wherever you want it."

Katsuki never thought about it that way. Normally whenever he needed an escape he just ran away from others.

It wasn't always the best solution but he did it. "I don't need an imagination for an escape, it's what I got legs for."

Shoto arched a brow, "Legs?"

"I can run, it's what I always do. In fact one day when I was out shopping with my mom I got anxiety. I just wanted to get out of there, so I ran. I ran so far away I lost sight of the market." The blonde explained. "The security guy had to find me."

"Weren't you afraid? Also, you never mentioned you had anxiety."

Katsuki shrugged, "Nope I wasn't scared. And I only get anxiety a few times not much. It's why I have classes online, but it doesn't mean I'm weak got it?"

Shoto smiled, "Right."

Although, he found it stupid that Katsuki would even think for the slightest moment that Shoto would assume he was weak because of his anxiety. It was quite the opposite.

Shoto knew Katsuki wasn't weak, in fact he was strong. Very strong, it's something Shoto found admiring, yet he was envious. If only the blonde knew just how much Shoto admired him, maybe even loved him.

Shoto shook the thought away, there was no way he was in love with his best friend. It was way too cliche.

"Oi. Are you listening to me?" Katsuki asked, he seemed annoyed.

Shoto nodded, "Yes. Sorry, continue." He said, with no idea whatsoever on what the other was talking about.

But one thing Shoto was sure about was that he didn't need anything else. He was alright with how things were.

They could be alright for forever this way, two friends, true friends, on a perfect day.

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