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//i have no idea how to start this chapter off 💀 so im going to skip to monday but i will try my best to make this chapter longer. OH AND IM TRYING OUT KAMINARIS POV INSTEAD OF 3D PERSON THIS TIME, IT WILL SUCK BECAUSE YOU'LL HEAR 'i' ONE MILLION TIMES A SENTENCE (ALSO I'm writing this on my computer this time so please excuse the bad grammar 👍//

//kaminaris pov//

It was monday, the weekend had been so long i thought i was going to die right on spot!

I arose from my spot on the bed and walked to my bag, grabbing my uniform and then began to change. I adjusted my tie, not realy understanding the point of having it, then sneaking out of my room and down to the kitchen, that looked like a literal murder scene, only without the blood--- and body.

I quietly shut the front door and began sprinting towards UA as if i hadn't a second to lose. On my way i seen some disturbing images, nothing i wouldn't expect from the neighborhood i lived in since i was a child.


I sat in class, my head up in the clouds instead of paying attention to the teacher-- that I didn't even know had even came into the room yet. oops...

"Kaminari, are you even listening?" I heard sensei speak form the front of the room.

I immediately snapped back to reality and stared at Aizawa sensei. who was, rather annoyed, looking back at me.

"I- uh." I stuttered, looking around only to notice the whole class looking back at me a snickering, besides a few.

"no?" he replied back more as an answer than a question. I nodded, not sure if I should be disappointed or embarrassed. he sighed. "as I was saying, go grab your hero suits and meet me out in the field." He then dismissed us and the class walked out of the room, as I was about to walk out of the door I heard a quick call of my name.

"kaminari, I'd like to speak with you after class." he stared at me with a cold look. "you are dismissed"

I nodded and made my way to the changing rooms, I made it there just as everyone was leaving.

I quickly changed into my hero suit and rushed outside, I was a few seconds late but sensei let it pass. I was to busy thinking about how ugly I look.

"we'll be quirk training today."

most of the class groaned and sighed.

"and, for the rest of the two weeks until the camp trip."

the students broke out in chaos, some saying what in disbelief and some just sliding to the ground dramatically. I for one, knew sensei wasn't putting up with their crap today so I stayed quiet, waiting for the arrival of his bad mood. though it came worse than I had expected. "QUIET, you are all in high school training to be heros, you can't act like immature toddlers. your groups are on the peace of paper pinned to that pole." he then walked to the bleachers and sat down. I and the class rushed over to the paper, pushing others out of the way to see who we were paired with.

it went from mineta and ojiro to izuku and aoyama and then to me and... bakugo? 'damn, these really were randomly paired weren't they?' I though to myself, turning around to find myself only and INCH away from bakugo himself, I squeaked out of surprise and jumped back, almost tripping over my untied shoelace. "BAKUGO, looks like were sparing partners, huh?" I awkwardly screamed.

"shut your trap, get on the field, I'm not in the mood for your games-n-shit." he scolded, I nodded and rushed out on the field, trying to prepare myself for anything that may come across me.

bakugo made his way towards me, giving me a cold glare as my other classmates gave me the "nice knowing ya" look. I nodded to myself, feeling the beads of sweat rolling down my face. I was caught off-guard by one of bakugo's explosions hitting me straight in the arm. I grunted in pain as a response, gripping onto my burning- well, FEELING like burning ARM.

"c'mon dunce, COME AND FIGHT ME, I DONT HAVE TIME FOR FUN AND GAMES I WANT AN ACTUAL FIGH, now come at me and stop being a p-"

I let the electricity escape from my palms, feeling the most amount of pain I had even felt in a while rush through my already aching body. At-least it wasn't a useless attack, I mean, it did hit bakugo who was currently shaking around like a fish out of water on the floor. I tried to speak but it only came out as mumbles of pain. I heard laughs from my other classmates who were watching our battle, If only they knew how bad it hurt, though, I cant tell anyone or express any sign of pain, if I go to someone about it now they'd just think I was being a wuss.

I began to see black spots forming in my vision, making it difficult to see though i guess that's what it was meant to do. the last thing i seen was a blurry figure running after me, and then the dusty ground.


B) hey ya'll sorry this took a while to get out i was busy and i had to go to 2 dentist apointments- and, SADLY another PAINTFULL one of FOCKIN MONDAY, but at-least i get to miss school >:) AGAIN, im doing this on my computer this time so sorry for any bad grammar :')

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