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⚠️ S/A ⚠️

I lay in the middle of know where. I couldn't open my eyes, even if i could i would probably see nothing at all anyways.

I felt fuzzy, like i was floating.. but that soon changed when i felt myself hit a hard concrete ground.

Pain shot up my body, it felt like i had been struck by millions of needles at once, slowly getting pushed deeper and deeper..

My eyes shot wide open, i looked around to find myself in my own bedroom.. The dark blue walls with holes and dents like it had been like that way for years, which it had.

My stomache dropped, I absolutely hated that feeling. If felt so real but so.... fake.

What was i doing here? Wasnt i in bakugos dorm when i fell asleep.. did they send me back while i was out cold?!

I tried to stand but immediately fell to my knees, looking up to see my mother holding hand cuffs and a pocket knife..

I tried to move but my legs weren't working, nore were my arms. It was like i was paralyzed.. she walked closer, yanking my beaten and bruized wrist from the ground and put the cuffs around them. I heard the ripping of fabric, only to notice my shirt had been torn right off my body. The cold air hitting my scard bare chest.

She ran the cold knife down my side, fealing the cold metal slide along my bare skin. Her hands traving down my chest and to my stomache. She grabbed my face while her other hand had just been laying on my thigh. I hadn't even notice the tear drops streaming down my face.

She slapped me along the face and got close to my ear and whispered "Useless." And any other kind of discouraging things.

Just as i was about to give up. I felt warmth, i felt arms wraping around my trembling body though no one els was here but her..


My eyes shot wide open with no second to lose. I tried pushing myself away from the figure but unfortunately i couldnt. I was to weak.

The figure only held me tighter as for i had tears sreaming down my face.


"Yeah, im here?" He said calmly.

"P-please don't let h-her hurt me anymore-!" I said between sobs.

"Whos hurting you?" The soft


"I-im scared, i c-can't tell you o-or she'll get m-mad at me and hurt me more!.." I cried out, gripping on tighter to his shirt.

"You can tell me, i promise i wont let her hurt you anymore. Ill keep you far away, okay?"


I layed my head on his sholder while he played with my hair.

I kept opening my mouth but nothing managed to come out.

"My m-mom.. while my dads away on his businesses trips.. takes advantage of the fact that he cant stop her from doing things to me.."

I didn't hear another word afterwards.

'Is he mad at me?'

'I bet he is, who wouldnt be? Now that he knows he'll probably think your disgusting!'


"Are you mad..at me?" I whispered

I felt his grip tighten.

"No! why on earth would this be your fault!?" He screamed, looking me straight in the eyes with a hurt look.

My hands began to tremble and my lip wobbled. Though I wasn't sad?

I was... relieved.

"You don't think I'm disgusting? At all?" I was confused, baffled, skeptical.

All my life I had been taught that no one cared and that I always had to preform my best for everyone. I have always learned that I was at the bottom. That no one gave a shit about me, at all.

I layed my head on bakugo's shoulder once more. The last thing I had seen was the moons light lighting the room.

-Time skip- (during class)

The class sat in the room, as casual as every other day. Sensei stood in the front of the room speakinf about stuff i hadn't even been paying attention too. The only thing I heard was "training". So, heres another day of hell for me. 

"Oh, and also." Mr. Aizawa spoke. The class looked at him with wondering eyes.

"Class 1B will be joining us today."

Excitement and annoyed groans could be heard from the class. And i for one, was not looking forward to seeing the class due to past... bullies.

Once aizawa dismissed us, we started to walk to the locker room. Once we got there, everyone began changing into their outfits.

Kirishima- being kirishima, came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Good to have you back man! You don't know how lonely I was for a whole day!" He spoke, poking my cheek. I heard a grumble from bakugo who had just finished getting ready.

"Whoa- bakugo? Are you jealous!?" Kirishima laughed.

Bakugo, flustered, spoke with rage. "NO YOU DAMN ROCK SHUT UP!" He yelled. If I wanted to, I could emagine steam coming out of his ears.

After most everyone was out, I decided I could begin changing into my outfit.

I slid off my shirt and placed it on the bench beside me. Reaching down to grab my gym shirt but it was nowhere to be found. I turned around only to be met with my former bullies, holding... my shirt-

"Hey kaminari" The guy spoke with sas. "Hows life been for you since the middle school incident?"

'Shit!, they remember it, damn im screwed if they tell..'

"Its been good.. i guess." I spoke with fear. The orange haired male gripped my shoulder tightly, his thumb purposely stabbing my neck.

"Ah- H-hey man, that kinda hurts." I pathetically said. My fake smile wobbling with my shakes of fear.

"Anyways.. What on earth happened to you? You look like you got hit by a bus, but only your body." He chuckled..


Devan. (Guy #1)


Age: 15

H/c: orange

H/l: medium

Height: 5'4

Class: 1B

Quirk: super strength

Ren (guy #2)


H/c: black with blue tips.

H/l: short.

Age: 16

Height: 6'1

Class: 1B

Quirk: Ropes- allowes person to pull rope like objects attached from anywhere, such as common ropes, vines, chaines, etc. Person can also customize the appearance and can control the strength of the object.

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