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Devan. (Guy #1)


Age: 15

H/c: orange

H/l: medium

E/c: hot pink

Height: 5'4

Class: 1B

Quirk: hallucination- able to make individual hallucinate of any topic the owner of the quirk chooses.

Ren (guy #2)


H/c: black with blue tips.

H/l: short.

E/c: blue

Age: 16

Height: 6'1

Class: 1B

Quirk: Ropes- allowes person to pull rope like objects attached from anywhere, such as common ropes, vines, chaines, etc. Person can also customize the appearance and can control the strength of the object.

⚠️Mention of abuse, S/A⚠️

Before we get into this chapter I would like to say that my stories will have HEAVY trigger warnings. Im someone who's obsessed with yaoi and angst, I basically have intrest to seeing my favorite characters suffer and then find love. So please, if you are triggered by anything i list in the trigger warnings, please skip or read no further because almost every chapter will have triggers in it. Please do not go in my comment section and type "and i was having a good day😐" or anything like "you need to warn us about this, its one of my biggest triggers😬" because i have listed trigger warnings in the description AND in the beginning of most chapter. Anyways, Lets get on with the chapter.❤❤❤


Previously from chapter 7.

Kaminaris POV

Hey kaminari" The guy spoke with sas. "Hows life been for you since the middle school incident?"

'Shit!, they remember it, damn im screwed if they tell..'

"Its been good.. i guess." I spoke with fear. The orange haired male gripped my shoulder tightly, his thumb purposely stabbing my neck.

"Ah- H-hey man, that kinda hurts." I pathetically said. My fake smile wobbling with my shakes of fear.

"Anyways.. What on earth happened to you? You look like you got hit by a bus, but only your body." He chuckled...

___ chapter 8 ___

I looked down at my body, the bruises that were barely older than a week were still scaring my fragile body.

I felt his hands adjust, they moved down to the waistband of my pants. I completely froze, as much as I tried to move, I couldn't.

Ren pushed me backwards, the orange haired male, devan, held onto my arms as the black and blue haired male slowly walked closer.

"Looks like someone can't move now, Can they devan?" He chuckled, his hand caressing my face.

"Nope, doesn't look like it." The orange haired male slid his leg in between mine.

I paniced, I looked at devan and then at ren, taking my chance and kicking ren right in the crotch. He fell to the ground and devan was to in shock to remember to keep hold of me. I grabbed my school uniform shirt and ran out of the changing room.

The doors slammed closed and I ran, sliding on my white collared shirt. I ran all the way to the bathrooms, locking myself in a stall. I kept quiet, listening for a sound. And just as i thought they had left. I heard the sound of heavy running in the hallway that stopped right at the bathroom door. It creeked open and two paired of feet wobbled in.

"Ooh kami~ where did you go?" One whispered. I held my hands over my mouth, trying not to let out a whimper of fear. My heart dropped when they began kicking open stall doors, one by one. Gettinf closer to me. I had to make a move, I couldn't just stay here and wait until they kick the door open right in mt face. I took a deep breath and opened my stall door and ran. I don't even believe they saw it coming in the first place. I went straight for the bathroom door. Grabbing the handle and pulling it, only to find out it was.. locked.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest, I turned around to find myself cornered by the two boys

My back hit the wall, chaines slowly made their way up my legs and arms. I tried to fight them off but they gradually got tighter each time i struggled. I soon felt tears making their way down my face, dripping onto the cold floor.

"Oh, don't cry. Its not going to be that bad, as long as you listen.." i looked up to a devilish smirk on Rens face

"Please don't do this.." I begged, letting my head drop.

"Oh come on, you don't let anyone around here get any fun!" He spoke. Soon, a moment of silence went throughout the whole entire room. He grabbed my chin and looked me in my eyes. His expression showing no mercy, nore sarrow.. Just.. hatred and greed...

______________________________________.SEE YALL NEXT CHAPTER.

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