Beautiful brown's

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Chapter 1.

Winston POV

I don't think I'll ever get over the disappointed look in my mother's eyes when she watched me get dragged away by two police officers en put into the back of a black transporter. Twenty years ago this woman had put me on this earth and had raised me to be a good citizen and until a few weeks ago I still was. At home I never failed to be the perfect son. I always did my chores, I never came home late (mostly because I didn't go out, but that's beside the point) and I was always kind to my parents. School wasn't any different. I aspired to be a model-student so I did my homework, got reasonably good grades and never got myself into any kind of trouble. I had even managed to get myself into a decent college. So, long story short, everything was perfect. Until a few weeks ago. When I did the most stupidest thing in my entire life.

Crazy how one bad decision can lead to a shitload of drama. I don't want to get into too much detail about why I got arrested yet, because it's still to painful to even think about it. Let's just say I got mixed up with the wrong crowd and made some really bad decisions. Love can make you go to any lengths. Trust me, I know that now...

After what seemed like hours, the transporter finally stopped driving, meaning we had reached our destination. At least that's what I figured. I had no idea where I was, because I couldn't see anything from where I was sitting the back of the van. It was dark and extremely cold in here. My handcuffs were irritating the skin around my wrists and the orange jumpsuit I was wearing wasn't winning the most comfortable clothing award either. I didn't dare to think about what I'd look like right now. I've always been very vain when it comes to my appearance. Mostly because of my other insecurities. Looking good was my way of masking up my other insecurities, like my intelligence or my lack of social skills for example. As long as I looked good, those things seemed to matter less to people. Trust me, I know how shallow that sounds now.

Right now I probably looked terrible, worn out, with big dark bags under my eyes to prove it. My appearance surely matched the way I was feeling right now, tired. I haven't slept for days, constantly tossing and turning over what was going to happed to me.

My trial was today and let me tell you, it was a complete mess. My lawyer didn't stand a chance against his opponent. Mostly because my story didn't add up for shit. I had rehearsed with my lawyer for about a hundredth times, but still I managed to make a complete fool out of myself today. Like I always do when I'm under pressure. They kept firing all these questions at me and at some point I just choked on my nerves and started blurting out all this crap, of which some was true and some wasn't.

I've been sentenced two years in county prison and of course that sucks, but I kind of had it coming so I'm definitely surprised is not more. But unfortunately that doesn't mean I feel less nervous about it.

Suddenly the door of the transporter opened. I squinted my eyes a little at the sudden brightness coming from outside. "Williams, it's time. We're here", one of the guards told me. It was an older man, I estimated his age around 50, bald but with a huge mustache. He had one of the lowest voices I had ever heard. I looked down at my lap and nodded slowly, before getting up and following them outside.

Once outside, the both of them immediately grabbed me by my arms and started dragging me towards the large scary-looking building. Were they actually scared I was going to make a run for it or something? Jezus, look at me! As if I would stand a chance against those two big men. They would beat the living shit out of me if I even tried something as stupid. I might not be the brightest but I'm definitely not stupid. So of course, like the goody two-shoes I am, I obediently cooperated and walked with them.

I took in my surroundings for a second, looking up at the big building in front of me and suddenly realization hit me. As soon as I step one foot behind those big concrete walls, then there is no turning back. I'm well aware that after today my life is over. I have seen enough prison related documentaires to know that being locked up will change your life for ever, and definitely not in a good way. So I think this experience only is going to fuck me up.

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