Like father like son

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Chapter 8.

Winston POV

My first week of prison flew by extremely fast and before I knew it it was Monday again, meaning that soon I had to start working my first ever prison-job. I'm going to be working at commissary and according to Scott this job is like winning the prison jackpot. Especially compared to laundry, based on his complaints all the time about how boring it is. He freaked out yesterday, when I told him about my new job assignment.

I'm actually quite excited to start my new job as well. I've been dying to get my hands dirty around here and to show everyone I'm not as lazy and privileged as they think I am. I might've never experienced what it's like to work hard in this world, but at least I'm open to try it. So I'd say: bring it on!

After a week of sitting on my ass all day, I'm very happy that I now finally have something to do in here. It's nice to have a purpose again! I believe that in here boredom is the most biggest challenge you have to face. Days go by awfully slow without having something to keep busy. Also, working can be a good distraction from any dark thoughts you might get in here. I know that, with my mental history, I certainly am sensitive for those particular thoughts. I mean, you get diagnosed with depression for a reason, am I right?

To be honest, I actually have no idea what commissary is all about. I picture it to be like this tiny supermarket where inmates can buy their noodles, chips and other unhealthy crap, so I'm guessing I'll most of the time be stocking shelves, working the register or dealing with orders. Scott's right once again, it doesn't sound half as bad as cleaning toilets or folding other peoples dirty underwear. It even pays better too I believe.

I jumped when Justin suddenly slammed his metallic tray of food onto the table, causing a loud banging sound to go through the already noisy prison cafeteria.
"God dammit, breakfast is getting shittier by the fucking day..", he muttered annoyed. Scott was sitting on the opposite of me, quietly eating his sandwich while rolling his eyes at his boyfriend childish behavior. He didn't seem effected by his boyfriend's emotional outburst at all, so I'm guessing he must be used to it by now.

Different from Scott, I haven't spoken much to Justin, but he seems like he's got quite the temper. Especially when he doesn't get what he wants. He's like a little child, with his temper-tantrums. Other than that he seems okay. Most of the time he's nice to me and when he's not, Scott gives him one look and it immediately shuts him up. Justin's like his little puppy, barks a lot, but doesn't really bite unless his owner tells him to. And in this case, Scott's definitetly his owner.

When Justin noticed that he wasn't getting the reaction he was hoping for, he sighed and quietly sat down beside his boyfriend. He lazily put his arm over Scott's shoulder and leaned in to press a long wet kiss on his cheek. The grimace on Scott's face made me chuckle slightly. I've really been enjoying watching the two of them interacting and fussing with each other. It's like watching a soap on television, very entertaining.

"Morning beautiful", Justin mumbled against Scott's cheek.
Meanwhile he used his other hand to reach over the table, in a sneaky attempt to grab his boyfriend's tiny Nutella package. Unfortunately for him, Scott had noticed it right away and had pushed Justin away from him.
"Nice try, but I'm not giving you my Nutella again!", he said resolutely, while snatching the package back from him.

Justin pouted at him. He's such a child. See, told you! "But baby... they were all out! And you know how much I hate peanut butter..", he whined, causing Scott to roll his eyes at him again. "Well, if you would've made it here on time, like I keep telling you, you didn't have to eat that disgusting ass peanut butter!", he fired back at him. After that, Scott playfully ruffled Justin's already messy hair and continued his attention back to his food. Justin huffed, but then decided to take his peanut butter and put it on his already dried out bread anyway to try and give it at least some flavor. He probably knew Scott wasn't going to change his mind about the Nutella. As he should!

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