A familiar face

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Chapter 13.

Winston POV

I can't believe Scott would just ditch me like that. Especially when he was the one who invited me to go to the gym in the first place. Believe me when I say that Scott's an amazing guy, but sometimes I really don't understand him at all. Was he feeling jealous or something that I was spending time with Monty instead of him? He wouldn't be, right? I don't exactly picture him being the jealous type. He usually doesn't seem to give a shit. Knowing him he probably just got bored and left. He get's bored easily. It's probably nothing major...

Anyway, I really enjoyed talking to Monty again today. I thought I would be way more nervous around him, but I'm not. For some reason being in the boys presence makes me feel more comfortable than ever. He's like the complete opposite of me, but maybe i've been looking for someone like that my whole life? He simply gets me. More then I get myself sometimes... And that's crazy, considering we've only known each other for like a week.


As I was walking trough the hallway planning to go back to my cel, some guy I didn't even recognize, came up to me. I hadn't even noticed his presence before, so he came as a total surprise. The look in his eyes already told me enough. Whoever this guy was, he wanted something from me and judging by his looks he was definitely going to get it.

"Excuse me, can I help you?", I asked politely after clearing my throat. Trust me when I say that I wasn't in any mood to deal with this guy, but I knew better than to be rude to some 6 foot tall, extremely muscular looking criminal.

I don't remember much of what happened next. I don't believe the guy even said a word to me. He just pulled out his fist and then everything turned black for my eyes...


I got woken up by a sharp stinging pain behind my right eye, immediately making me remember what had happened earlier. Some guy I didn't even know, came up to me and had randomly punched me in the face. Apparently he had hit me hard enough to knock me out, because when I looked around me I didn't recognize where I was at first, but then soon discovered that I was in the kitchen. I don't remember being here earlier, meaning they must've moved me here during my unconsciousness.

I tried moving my arms, but then found out that I was tied to a chair, mouth covered with ducktape preventing me from screaming for help as well. That's when panic hit me. Who did this to me? What do they want from me? I even started doubting myself for a second. Did I do something to piss someone off? I sure hope not. These few days I've been here I've tried to keep my head down and to not piss anybody off as much as possible. It's probably the smartest thing you can do in here. How hard it might be to keep my mouth shut most of the time, I'm not here to cause any trouble. The only reason I'm here is to do my time and to get out of this place as soon as possible so that I can continue with my life. At least for what is left of it ...

I froze when all of the sudden a guy appeared from behind me and kneeled down in front of me. I instantly recognized the guy, it was the same one that had hit me in the face a few minutes ago. Or at least I hope it had only been a few minutes. To be honest, I had no idea how long I'd been gone for.

The guy studied me for a second, like he was debating what he was going to do with me or something. Him not talking made me feel nervous. I don't know this guy's story. For all I know he's a killer. There's a bunch of those in here. It's prison after all, meaning he must be in here for a reason.

He then finally opened his mouth, giving away his thick Chicago accent. "If you start screaming once I ripped this thing off I'mma cut your throat, got it cupcake?", he said while pointing at the tape on my mouth. Cupcake? What the fuck is that?! Who is this dude?!

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