Out of bounce

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Chapter 6.

Winston POV

Monty may have been the biggest surprise of today and that says a lot considering I've also been dumped today by someone I believed was the love of my life. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating it a bit, but I really did love Sam. For almost a year he had been such a big part of my life. Almost every day I would spend with him. But now that that's over I don't even know what to do with myself. So much time I've wasted on that guy, and for what?! For him to dump me for some weed smoking skaterboy from downstairs who barely finished high school? God, I hate him so much for being this stupid. It could've been so wonderful, but he just had to go and ruin everything!

Monty's right. Sam ís a dumbass. Thanks to him I see that now. I just wished I would've seen it sooner. Then I wouldn't have spend so much time believing in something that just isn't there. It probably never was. I was just too fucking blind to see it.

I looked at Monty and couldn't help but smile a little thinking back at our previous conversation. He made me see what a piece of shit Sam really is. I couldn't help but blush when he told me I deserved better. He didn't have to say it, he doesn't even know me, but then he chose to tell me anyway and for some reason that had made me feel really special.

After that we just joked around for a bit, talking about random stuff. He had started rambling about the weirdest shit, probably because he was starting to get a little high. It was very amusing to see him struggling to keep his act together around me. Who would've thought I'd manage to make the pretentious bad guy blush about something stupid as Disney princesses?

Then he started talking about his sister and I just thought it was really sweet, but it also made me feel a little sad. I'm an only child so I have no idea what it's like to have a brother or sister, but if I did I would probably miss them like crazy. For Monty, I can imagine it would feel the same. He may act tough and all, but I just know he has a tiny heart. He must miss his family too.

"You do know that if they'll catch me with this this automatically think you're using too, right?", he suddenly spoke up, interrupting me from my drifting thoughts. He opened his eyes and looked at me. The little wink he gave me afterwards made my stomach do a flip. Don't judge me, he's a handsome guy okay? And I'm single now so...

"Well, better make sure you don't get caught then!", I said playfully. "But you seem to be quite good at that". My little joke had caused a toothy grin to escape his lips. It suited him. He really should smile more often.

I then decided to be bold and grab the bong out of his hands, holding it up to my lips and inhaling deeply. Monty's eyes widened in surprise. He probably wasn't expecting this from me, and to be honest, I wasn't either. I normally don't do drugs, but I figured why not? My day's already shitty so it can't hurt to try, right? Maybe smoking can be a good distraction for me right now. I've seen my ex and his friends do this a couple of times when we were still together so that's how I knew how to use it. I even managed not to cough in front of Monty. Thank god, because that would've been extremely embarrassing.

From the corner of my eyes I noticed Monty staring at my lips as I took another drag and smoothly exhaled the smoke. "You keep surprising me, Princess..." he chuckled, before grabbing the bong from me again and taking a drag from it himself.

I simply smiled at him in response.
"How do you even know how to make these kind of things?", I then asked curiously. The bong, made from a plastic bottle and some tin foil, looked complicated to say the least. It must've been difficult to make. But then again, I'm definitely not crafty. But apparently Monty ís. He simply shrugged, whilst looking down at the bong in his hands. "Physics used to be the only subject at school I was actually good at", he then explained. "Turns out to be quite useful here in prison".

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