The Latinx

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Chapter 2.

Winston POV

"Hi roomie!". The boy smiled as he started walking towards me, excitedly holding out his hand for me to shake. "My name is Scott. So nice to meet you!". I awkwardly shook his hand. His hand felt warm against my cold one. It's so cold in here, it's like Siberia, but even colder. You can tell they're definitely trying to save money on heating in this place. I'm freezing my ass off!

"Winston", I awkwardly introduced myself. The boy, who I now know is called Scott, walked past me and started messing with the papers on his desk. They looked like drawings, so I'm guessing he is an artsy kinda guy. I must say, they looked very beautiful. He's got some talent. "I'm sorry for the mess", he apologized. "If I'd known you would come today I had cleaned up a little". I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. Seriously, what mess? I had picture a prison cell to look way worse than this. This guy was being so polite and friendly towards me too. I couldn't even believe I was talking to an inmate right now. If this is going to be my cellmate this year I've won the ultimate jackpot. At home I had already thought of all kind of nasty scenarios when it came to cellmates, but I can already tell that this one is actually not bad at all.

He looked over his shoulders and chuckled at me

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He looked over his shoulders and chuckled at me. "Please don't tell me you're always going to be this quiet", he joked. I blushed and quickly shook my head. I had been so busy observing this guy that I had totally forgotten to say something back. "No! I'm sorry. I'm just having a little trouble getting used to all this", I said, the word 'this' referring to my new prison lifestyle.

Scott smiled at me again. "Yeah, I totally get that. When I first came here I struggled too, but let me tell you: it seriously gets better. Sooner or later you'll get the hang of how things go around here. At some point you'll even make some friends!". I really hope this Scott guy is right and I get used to this a little more, because right now I'm struggling to believe him.

"For how long have you been here?", I asked him curiously. I was already calculating in my head how long it would take me to get used here. Probably never. Scott jumped to sit on top of his desk and shrugged slightly. "I'm not sure..", he said and he started counting on his fingers. "I came here in May, so 4... 5 about 6 months I think". I gulped. 6 months?! That seemed like ages from now. I wonder what he did and how much time he has left, but I was to scared to ask. I just simply couldn't imagine this guy hurting anyone, not even a fly! He seemed completely normal to me.

"Scottyyyyy!", I suddenly heard a mixture of yelling and singing coming from the hallway, followed by many "Shut up's!", by the other inmates. Scott looked at me and playfully rolled his eyes, his perfect smile never leaving his face. Then all of the sudden a brown haired guy stuck his head around the corner of our cell-door. "Here you are!", he exclaimed excitedly as soon as he saw Scott. His smile quickly changed into a confused frown once his eyes landed on me. He walked inside and crossed his arms over his chest. "Who's this?", he asked, sounding a little rude if you ask me. Seriously, who raised this kid?

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