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Chapter 20.

Monty POV

Issues. Too much to count. It is basically what my whole life consists of. It's running through my veins, buried deep underneath the thickness of my skin.

Most of my life I liked keeping them to myself. I've always liked keeping people at a comfortable distance. Too far away to see the real me. Because if they would, they never would've turned their heads again. That's what I had to learn before I'd even gotten the chance to turn eighteen.

But there he is. Uninvited barging his way into my life. Breaking down the thick concrete walls I had been building for so long. I can't seem to hide from it. His soft soothing voice. His perfect teeth whenever he smiles. The little snorts that escape his mouth whenever he would laugh. And those big brown Bambi eyes, making me feel all kind of things inside whenever they look at me. Why are you doing this to me Winston Williams? This complete torment in my head. Everything is a mess. And the worst thing is, that I'm secretly starting to like it.

It's because I like hím. I like spending time with him. Looking at him. Kissing him. He just makes me feel so happy. An unfamiliar,  but also wonderful feeling. A feeling I didn't know was possible for me till I met him. Winston Williams. The one that changed everything. Put my whole world upside down. With just a simple smile.

I looked down at the curly boy beside me and couldn't help but smile, watching him being in awe at the variety of inmates in the overflowing prison hallway, silently observing them from a distance. Every time his nose would scrunch up whenever a person would do something disgusting, which would happen on a regular basis. It was cute, fun to look at. But then again, everything he does is fun to look at.

Winston is so different from the general capacity in here. A princess, who doesn't belong in this place of filth. A person you should treat delicately and with policy, because they simply deserve nothing less from the world. Classy, but not posh. Pure, but well-experienced. Controlled, but with a strong opinion. Perfect, but without arrogance. And to me, those few things make him even more special.

We were sitting in the common room, me as always on top of a table, while he politely had chosen a chair to sit on. Every now and then his head would brush past my leg, causing my stomach stomach to to a little flip. It's so silly, but no matter how hard I try I just can't control it. It's this weird indescribable feeling, something I've never experienced before. A wonderful but also terrifying feeling. As if you're dropping yourself of a 20 ft building and you know deep down that there will be safety net, but you can't see it from all the way up there. Yeah... that's kind of how I would describe it.

Am I in love with him? I'm not sure. It's difficult to say when you never learned about the definition of love. Love. Such a simple word, but what does it even mean? All I know is that I care deeply for the boy. I haven't cared this much for someone in a very long time.

Believe me when I say that I once used to give a shit. But that ability probably stopped right after my dad got arrested and my mom got sick. After that I just felt hollow. My feelings were gone, world gone empty. I wasn't depressed or anything, just numb. But now I've gotten my colors back. It's as if I can finally see light at the and of the tunnel. All because of Winston and his beautiful bright smile. My light, guiding me through the darkness that is called my life.

"I have another one", he suddenly spoke, breaking me away from my hopeless daydream. His slightly posh voice sounded angelic as ever, like a sweet familiar melody in my ears. I watched him point into the direction of some guy, being anything but subtle about it. I've came to learn that Winston can be quite obvious. With him it's what you see is what you get. He tries, but when he isn't saying it, his face will still say it for him. There's a lot to say about it, but I actually think it's really charming. I can appreciate honesty. I could actually learn a lot from it, since I tend to keep most things to myself.

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