Sweet and shower

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Chapter 21.

Justin POV

An instant smile appeared on my face at the sight of my boyfriend, sitting on his bed and reading a book. He had his back leaned against the wall and was wearing a concentrated look on his face, his reading glasses resting on the tip of his nose. Scott in glasses, a view that will forever be a blessing to my eyes. Even though they have to be held together with a firm piece of duct-tape, because he has accidentally sat on them like a thousand times, he still manages to look good in them. Seriously, how does he always do that?

"Hey babe. How are you?", I asked as I took a seat at the end of the bed. "Are you feeling any better?". He looked up from his book and smiled at me, while taking of his glasses. "Oh hey Jus! Yeah, I'm fine. I told you not worry about me". He gave me a knowing look, probably already suspecting me to get worried. I always do when it's about him. Even more than I worry about myself.

I scooted closer so that I was sitting next to him, leaning my back against the wall now too. "I'll always worry about you, dear", I mumbled as I pecked his cheek. He just rolled his eyes at me but laughed, while trying to push me and my wet kisses away from his face.

Today I got so scared for him during work. I had never seen him looking this pale before. I really thought he was going to pass out. He had been acting very strangely all morning. Fuzzy and slow, just not like his usual energetic self. Completely unresponsive. As if he was finding himself on a whole different planet. Don't ask me which planet, but definitely not planet earth.

Surprisingly at one point he had allowed me to walk him over to a chair to take a break. He indeed must've felt really bad to let me do that. We all know that normally he's way too stubborn to let me take care of him.

After a small break he had to go back to work, but when he got up from his chair he almost fainted. I had rushed over to him and had just in time managed to catch him before falling face down on the floor. Luckily the guard who had been present at laundry that day had allowed me to take Scott back to his cell, but only if I would work twice as hard to cover for him. Of course my dear boyfriend wasn't having any of it, but I had just dragged him out of the room before he could do anything about it. Not that it had mattered. He was clearly feeling too weak to protest anyway.

I pressed the back of my hand against his forehead. "You're less hot", I simply stated. Scott gave me a weird look and only then I realized what I had said. I felt my cheeks turning red. They usually do when he gives me this particular look.

"Eh- I mean... you're always hot of course! It's just that... your forehead feels less hot than it did this morning so-", I started stammering. I obviously hadn't meant it as an insult. I was just talking about his fever.

Scott bit his lip, failing to hold back a smile. "Justin", he shook his head at me. His hands reached up to grab my cheeks and without warning he squished them together, immediately causing me to shut up. Mostly because I physically wasn't able to form words anymore. "Hmpf?-", I only managed to get out as I gave him a questioning look. "You have to stop talking now babe", Scott laughed. He pulled my face towards him and kissed me, which I happily replied to by kissing back.

Scott pulled away and rested his head on my shoulder, his messy long hair slightly tickling my neck. "I'm sorry I ditched you at work today...", he sighed sadly. I looked down at him. Here he goes again, apologizing for something he has absolutely no control over. It's so typically Scott. Ne never gets sick. Well obviously he gets sick, but he doesn't allow himself to take his well needed rest. Just like he doesn't allow people to take care of him. He's convinced that he can do it all. That he doesn't need to take a step back sometimes. But of course he does. Everyone has their down days. Unless they're a freaking robot or something.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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