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Chapter. 7

Winston POV

I was still shaking a bit when I returned back to my cell, only to find Scott there as well, working on something at our desk. I'm guessing it was another one of his drawings. Doesn't he have enough of those already?! I mean it's great that he has this passion, but between all the drawings of his family and his dog there is barely any room left on the walls for me to hang up some pictures.

"Hey", I said softly, because I didn't want to scare him and cause him to mess up his work. I've noticed that he's very precisely when it comes to his art.

He turned around in his chair and his signature big smile appeared on his face. "Oh hey man!", he greeted me enthusiastically. "How did your visit go?".

Okay straight to the point, that's cool. Rip the bandage right off why don't you?

I sat down on my bed and ran a hand trough my still shower damp hair. "Fucked...", I sighed. "We broke up...". My face immediately fell, thinking back to what had happened during my visitation. I was looking forward to it so much, only for it to turn out a total nightmare by getting dumped.

Scott's eyes widened in surprise.
"No way!?", he exclaimed loudly, voice sounding like a mixture of surprise and indignation. His reaction didn't surprise me at all. I still couldn't believe it either, but unfortunately it was the horrible truth. The thought of still having Sam on the outside was the only thing keeping me sane in here. But maybe it's for the best. Long distance wouldn't have worked out anyway. We're both not the kind of person for that.

The look in Scott's eyes then turned into pity once he noticed the sad look on my face. "Are you okay?", he asked softly, sounding genuinely concerned with me. He leaned forward and patted my knee as a sweet gesture to comfort me.

"Yeah...", I sighed as I stared down at my hands, avoiding any more of the pity looks Scott was sending my way. "He's an asshole, but Monty sort of made me see that now... So I'm fine, I guess". I looked up at Scott and saw that his eyebrows were now furrowed. "Monty? As in Monty de la Cruz?", he asked confused, repeating his name as if I was talking about some famous celebrity. Yes, Monty de la Cruz. Who else would I be talking about? Ever since the little moment we shared in the basement the boy had constantly been on my mind. I don't know what it is? He just caught my interest for some reason and now I just can't seem to get rid of him.

"Yeah", I answered casually like it was the most normal thing ever to pour out your whole life story to someone you basically don't even know, a convict I might add. Shows how fucked up I am I guess...

"After my visit I was really upset so I went to the laundry basement to cry basically and he was there as well, smoking his bong", I explained. Scott rolled his eyes at that. "Monty and his bong, typical...", he chuckled.

Then his face became more serious. "Just be careful around him, okay?", he said on a serious tone that for some reason gave me the chills. I raised my eyebrow at him in confusion. Why do I have to be careful around Monty? The guy has been nothing but kind to me today. After the time we've spend talking together, I won't picture him hurting a fly. Okay... maybe I kinda do. With strong arms like his he could easily bash someone's head if he has to. So I better not piss him off. Although I doubt he'd actually hurt me. I know that he already likes me to much. Or is that wishful thinking maybe?

"Why?", I asked, causing Scott to shake his head at me and look away, staring into the distance. "People here call him nuke for a reason", he mumbled. Nuke? As in nucleair weapon? That's a weird nickname. It doesn't quite suit the sweet and caring guy I've came to know today.

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