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I think some people don't understand what it means that sometimes, the only thing they need to do is





I'm sitting in art history class, obviously, because if I didn't, I would be peacefully drinking my coffee while just, chillin. 

Okay that's a big fat lie. I would be picking up my bunny's poop around the apartment.

Anyway, my only concern right now is, why are these dumb people even here? Right now, a girl is asking questions literally after every sentence that our professor says. Not to mention that she was on the top of the list when we were taking our entrance exam.

No one could even think that she was this much of a pain.  

I understand when people are asking questions after a certain topic so the professor could properly explain everything again. But bro, this? Nah. For the past three hours that we've had our art history class, this girl was something else. She hits that one nerve of mine. Anya had to stop me a few times from tying her and taping her mouth with duct tape and glueing it with super glue. 

I think I'm just going to ditch this class next time if it's going to be like this. I can't do this anymore literally and we just started with classes a month ago.

I looked over to Anya's notes because she's sitting next to me. And well, that's my last hope sliding and screaming down the hell hole, because she also didn't catch anything today. 

On top of that, the whole fine arts and applied arts department are here, and I don't know a single soul so I could borrow their notes for studying. Plus that bitch embarrassed our whole class because of her stupidity. So I might just take my life right here. 

Thank God we have just five more minutes left until we're done for today. I'm so stressed these days that I could just stay in my room all day and sleep. But I think that's because I have a bad feeling about something and I don't know what it is.

It keeps buzzing me and everyone says that it's nothing but that's not what my past experiences say. But that's a story for another day.

And the bell finally rang. I thought that I would die in this classroom because the air was so thick and people literally stink.

I left the room walking so fast that Anya had to yell to tell me to stop.

˝Hey Y/N!! Wait up!˝

Aaaand now I felt really bad for forgetting her there. So I immediately stopped walking and she fell onto me because she didn't exactly expect me to stop the exact second.

'I'm so so soo sorry for forgetting you there Anya.. Also why the fuck are you running like that?'

She immediately stood up and cleaned herself up. Hitting me with a notebook in my head.

I deserved that one.

'I was yelling like a dying person before this and you haven't heard me you dumb bitch! You forgot your phone on the desk.'

Literally if she didn't find it I wouldn't realise that I left it somewhere until I had to call my mother. Which I rarely do because I don't care. Besides that if I talk with someone, that's just mostly an in person interaction, because I don't like plain dry texts and phone calls.

Believe it or not, as much as I hate people in general, I love my friends. A lot. So I like to see their reactions to something I say, or their faces when they crack a joke, body language etc. I love to see them happy. Because right now, I'm not.

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