First of all, we came there just to be told that we have to bring around 10 sacks of clay into the sculpting studio we're in so we can work on our portraits. 

And when I tell you, that took us literally like 2 hours, and the class lasts for 4 hours, we just put the clay on those sticks that we were given.

Bachira was leaving class every damn time he had a chance because of how pissed off he was. And Anya was fucking drooling over him the whole day of course, but I don't think that he realised that, thank god.

We went outside to take a break because like half of us smoke and we already have breaks every 45 minutes for 15 minutes so we don't lose concentration. 

Oh and yeah, I occasionally smoke, that's only when I have money.

Which is literally once in three months.

Anya sat beside me on my right side and because I was sitting all the way to the left Meguru just sat beside her because he doesn't want to leave anywhere without me.

He says that he doesn't like the rest of the people. Which is valid because I don't like them either.

Anyway, I could feel this bitch shivering because Meguru sat down next to her. Bro how can someone be this hooked over someone they saw for the first time  T O D A Y. 

'You owe me another gyros bitch after this, I hope you remember or I will throw you down the river right this moment.' I whispered to her quietly enough so Meguru wouldn't hear me and laughed.

She was obviously annoyed because she hates when I'm teasing her about anything that she does. But I couldn't help myself.

She stared at me blinking fast and I couldn't help but start laughing my ass off because, I swear to god, the only thing that can throw me off is her face.

'Y/N, politely shut up, you still didn't do shit. Anyway, what do you two plan on doing for a midterm for drawing?'

Meguru just snapped from his thoughts and looked at Anya who was literally sweating because she asked us both the question, not just me.

'Oh, I'm just probably going to draw 20 self portraits as the professor said in the email that she sent, with no composition or anything else, nothing fancy anyway because I literally can't do this again. What about you Anya?' 

Her face lit up as he asked her, she was genuinely happy probably because of small things that he does, but he still doesn't know anything about the fact that she likes him. 

But I support them honestly, they would be a cute couple.

'Well, the problem is that I don't know what to do, that's why I was asking you two.'

I looked at Meguru, raising my eyebrows repeatedly, and he was doing the same thing, but I don't think that he understood what I was saying with that.

But I have an idea for this, so they will have to go with the plan.

'Well I have a suggestion, if you two are up to it.'

They both looked at me curiously waiting for my response.

'Okay, how about a drawing session at my apartment this weekend, so we can draw each other and also help with the compositions and other shit. I think it would be easier for everyone and it would be more fun at least.'

And of course they agreed immediately.

The rest of the people from our  class came outside to take a break also, and people from illustration major that were with us in the group at sculpting class. 

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