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Note: I am sorry for not updating for a while. I had a lot going on. Thank you for your patience. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

With the light now that was close to Jungkook's face, the light reflected back from his face. Mr. Linguin was only trying to catch some air with the man in the front who had not let go of the grip on his finger he looked up to see his face now that it was close for his small eyes to go wide at the color of his iris.

It wasn't black and brown in color but dark red eyes that stared into his. This person wasn't a human but a vampire.

"Please forgive me for not noticing earlier!" the magistrate apologized in haste but Jungkook was in no mood to take the apology.

"Forgive?" asked the pureblooded vampire innocently. As Jungkook was part closest to the old lineage of the pureblooded vampires, it was given that his eyes were a few shades darker than the rest of the vampires, "For what?"

"I didn't know you were "

"A pureblooded vampire? Or the fact that you told me to get out, hmm?" Jungkook let out his signature smile, the one like as if he was the most notorious vampire in this land that he walked on, "Bad children should be punished, don't you think? What do you think, Lisa?" Jungkook asked Lisa who had only been watching until now without speaking a word.

Lalisa had only planned to watch the show but had no plans to take part in it until Jungkook had decided to pull her from the shadows. She stepped forward, just one step that let the light touch her body.

When the magistrate's eyes fell on Lisa, he looked surprised by her presence as if he hadn't expected her to be here.

"Lalisa," said the magistrate, her name rolling on his tongue made her feel disgusted. She tried not to stand in his full view and instead stood behind him.

"You know her?" asked Jungkook, intrigue in his eyes as he found the man looking at Lisa with fascination, "It looks like you are well acquainted with my slave," the word 'my' was spoken with a little more pressure which made the magistrate snap his eyes back at the pureblooded vampire.

"Slave?" asked Mr. Linguin shocked at the revelation.

Lisa had dreaded when Jungkook had first asked her about the magistrate and his office. Since the time she could remember, this man had done nothing but leeched on to her and her mother when it came to leaving shameful remarks. Not to forget that particular day where he had done no justice at all.

She still remembered that day as if the memory was brightly burned into her mind.

It was cloudy, the ground was wet with slippery mud. Lisa was on her way back home when she was caught amidst two drunk men who had tried to misbehave with her. While she had only tried to leave the place as quick as possible, a woman who was passing by only accused of wrongdoings, turning all the fault to her.

"Burn her! Kill her!"

"Trying to lure men in broad light, shame on the girl for dragging our villages name down!"

"She's a witch and so is her mother! Look at the way they look!"

"Stake them!" a man screamed in the crowd.

"Put her and her mother away!"
*end of flashback*

The voices still resonated in her ears like it was still going on as they were now in the very same village. The magistrate back then and even now hadn't changed much. He had offered to 'council' her as it wouldn't be right to throw two females out of the village, he had called her to this very cabin.

Young master Jungkook's pet [LIZKOOK]Where stories live. Discover now