I'm Yours

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As Lydia lays on her new bed from her new apartment. She thinks about everything that happen since she join Dauntless a few days ago.

When she jumped off a train, meeting her new training instructor Callum Calder, making more new friends like Miranda, Riley and Forest.

Having a welcome celebration for joining Dauntless. Her loving Dauntless cake and ziplining, jumping and leaping from building to building.

She felt like she was finally


She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She sees a girl wearing a black tight crop top, black pants and combats boots.

Her hazel eyes were darken with midnight eyeshadow, her strawberry hair wasn't in a bun anymore, but loose and free.. Like her.

My mom would think I'm still the nice, sweet, non-troublemaker girl.

Lydia rolled her eyes just from the thought about it.

She changed her clothes and went to her back porch and climbed next to window which lead to Jackson's place, even though it's was late.

"Jackson.." she quietly called out. She walked into his room and sees him sleeping.

I'll leave him alone for tonight.. She thought as she close his door.

"Lydia..?" Jackson asked half asleep.

"Lydia, was that you?" He asked again.

Lydia peeked her head out and smiled slightly. "I didn't mean to wake you.." She said frowning.

Jackson shooks his head. "You didn't.. I was about to sleep but couldn't." He half lied.

She closed the door behind her, and crawled into his bed.

"I can't sleep,..Thinking too much" She said softly as she hugged him.

"Your parents?" He asked softly, hugging her back.

"Yeah. Do you think I've changed?"

Jackson chuckled.

"Lydia, everyone who's chosen a new faction has changed,whenever they like it or not. I've changed."

She smiled at what he said and snuggled up against him.

"Yeah and your biceps had change" She joked.

Jackson move to his side to see Lydia better.

"You've been checking me out, princess?" He smirked as he raise an eyebrow.

Lydia blushed red and faked a gasped. "No..Not like that Jackson." She said laughing as she punched Jackson's chest.

He caught her hand and intertwined into his hand as he got closer. Lydia deeply blushed at Jackson as she hold tightly to him.

"Jackson...What are you thinking about?" she asked him softly.

He looked deep into her eyes and cursed under his breath.

"This." he gently slide his hand from behind her neck and kissed Lydia as he closed his eyes.

Lydia was surprised as she kissed him back, holding on to him for more.

He smiled in the kiss and slowly hold her by the waist, pulling her closer to him as they feel their bodies heat up.

Lydia felt a warm tingling sensation as she kept kissing him. She started to roll over as Jackson was on top of her.

Feeling the weight and pressure of their kiss was getting to.

Jackson pulled away to see Lydia's face for a moment. He creased her cheek as Lydia opened her eyes again.

"We can't.. Can't we?" Lydia whispered to him. Jackson shook his head. "Not yet princess."

Lydia wrapped her arms around him, running her fingers through his hair.

"Kiss me again Jackson.."

He grinned as he kissed her again.

He kissed her neck, chin, eyes, ears, lips, over and over again, each time Lydia held him tighter than never before.

Jackson slowly rolled on his back as Lydia got on top of him, giggling as he did that. She tightly tugged on his shirt and smirked.

"Lydia.." Jackson said in a tone voice.

She whined and tugs on his shirt more, teasing him.

"Just shirts.." She grinned teasingly and kissed him on nose as Jackson places his hands on her hips.

He smiled at her and sat up a little and took off his shirt.

Lydia smiled and lightly touch his chest as he pulled her close and pulls Jackson into a deep kiss, turning to more as he pulled off her shirt.

She runs her fingers through his hair again as Jackson kisses her neck, sending warm shivers through her.

She smiled softly and arched her neck towards him, holding him closer.

She moved her neck away from his lips and replaced it with hers, lightly kissing him when she hear Jackson mumbled something in their kiss.

"What?" She said confused,smiling as she pulls away a little.

Jackson smiled at her and kissed her again to get her distracted. She pulled back and biting her lip.

"What did you say?"

He smiled shyly, blushing lightly.

"I'm falling in love with you, Lyd-"

Lydia kissed him to stop him from finishing his sentence.

"I know..Me too.."

"I'm Yours."

Jackson smiled softly at her and kissed her deeply as she  accidentally yawn in his mouth. "Sorry." She giggled a little.

He smiled and laid Lydia down as she started to fall asleep. "We have training tomorrow, so let's get some sleep."

She nodded as he softly played with her hair while she listened to his heartbeat thumping softly.

"Night Princess."

Lydia Raves: Dauntless The Brave [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now